Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity

Impa Usage Guide, Builds, Combos, and How to Unlock

Impa Usage Guide and How to Unlock

This guide will show how to unlock Impa in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity. Additionally, you can find this character's weapon information, builds, combo chart and actions, how to play as Impa in Age of Calamity, and more.

How to Unlock Impa & Weapon Information

Impa Image
How to Unlock Joins during Chapter 1: The Battle of Hyrule Field
Weapon Used Kodachi
Voice Actor
Andi Gibson
Voice Actor
Akane Fujita

Best Impa Builds

Weapon Best seal
Devoted KodachiDevoted Kodachi
Special-Attack Damage Seal Special-Attack Damage
Alternative seals
Regular-Attack Damage Seal Regular-Attack Damage
Perfect-Dodge Timing Window Seal Perfect-Dodge Timing Window
Impa can basically spam special attacks, thanks to her shadow clones. Stack Special-Attack Damage seals on her weapon to make the most of this ability.

How to Play as Impa

Impa Combo Chart

Normal Attacks
Strong Attack 1
(Hold X for a follow up attack)
Strong Attack 2
Ybutton.pngXbutton.png (→Bbutton.png )→Ybutton.pngYbutton.pngYbutton.pngXbutton.png


(Hold and release X for extra attack)
Strong Attack 3
(Hold X for a follow up attack)
Strong Attack 4
(Hold X for a follow up attack)
Strong Attack 5
Ybutton.pngYbutton.pngYbutton.pngYbutton.pngXbutton.png (→Bbutton.png )→


Unique Action
ZR Button.png
Apply a symbol to an enemey in front of you.
(Press X to absorb symbol)
Absorb all 3 symbol types to power up the next special attack

List of Impa's Weapons

Weapon Base Atk Hidden Seals
Kakariko Kodachi IconKakariko Kodachi 18 Level 25: Regular-Attack Damage: +5%
Level 30: Special-Attack Damage: +14%
Faithful Kodachi IconFaithful Kodachi 28 Level 25: Ancient-Part Drop Rate: +17%
Level 30: Sensor-Registered Material Drop Rate: +17%
Devoted Kodachi IconDevoted Kodachi 36 Level 25: Special-Attack Charge Rate: +10%
Level 30: Heal by Defeating Enemies

Impa's Quests

Quest How to Unlock / Reward
The Lights of Home Clear the Battle: The Battle of Hyrule Field
Impa: +1 Bonus Hearts
Wildberry x5
Traps for Kakariko Village Complete the Quest: The Lights of Home
Impa: Bonus Combo
Swift Carrot x5
Kakariko's Best Babysitter Clear the Battle: Revali, the Rito Warrior
Impa: +1 Bonus Hearts
Endura Carrot x5
Village Training Secrets Clear the Battle: Freeing Korok Forest
Impa: Bonus Combo
Stealth Chest Guard
Helping Out at Hateno Pasture Clear the Battle: Akkala Tower
Impa: Special-Attack Gauge +1
Just the Right Light Clear the Battle: When Courage Fails
Impa: Bonus Combo
To Bring the Village Together Clear the Battle: Impa's Training
Impa: Bonus Combo
Sunset Firefly x5
The Great Cucco Escape Clear the Battle: Air and Lightning
Impa: +2 Bonus Hearts
Bird Egg x5
The Mission of the Sheikah Clear the Battle: The Great Plateau
Impa: +2 Bonus Hearts
Plum Tuckered Out Clear the Battle: The Great Plateau
Impa: Special-Attack Gauge +1
The Kakariko Village Dojo Clear the Challenge: Impa's Training
Impa: Bonus Combo
Opening the Mind's Eye Clear the Challenge: Impa's Damage Control
Impa: Enhanced Ability
EX Hard Defenses Clear the Battle: EX To Zelda's Side
Impa: EX Enhanced Ability

List of All Impa Quests

Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity Characters

HW - List of Characters

How to Unlock All Playable Characters

Main Characters
Link IconLink Impa IconImpa Zelda IconZelda
Mipha IconMipha Daruk IconDaruk Revali IconRevali Urbosa IconUrbosa
Secret Characters
Hestu IconHestu Sidon IconSidon Yunobo IconYunobo Riju IconRiju
Teba IconTeba Master Kohga IconMaster Kohga King Rhoam IconKing Rhoam Great Fairies IconGreat Fairies
Monk Maz Koshia IconMonk Maz Koshia Terrako IconTerrako Calamity Ganon IconCalamity Ganon Age of Calamity - Battle-Tested Guardian Icon.pngBattle-Tested Guardian
Best Character Tier List
Supporting Characters
Purah Robbie -
Astor Sooga -
English and Japanese Voice Actors and Cast


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