Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity

Each Step Like Thunder Walkthrough: All Treasure Chests and Korok Seeds Locations

Each Step Like Thunder Banner.png

A walkthrough for Chapter 6: Each Step Like Thunder in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity for the Nintendo Switch. Each Step Like Thunder maps, main enemies and battlefield materials, locations of Korok seeds and treasure chests, how to unlock, as well as rewards for completing this battle can be found in this guide.

Each Step Like Thunder Overview

Battle Info

Each Step Like Thunder
Story Chapter Chapter 6
Recommended Level 47
Region Necluda
Unlock Conditions Clear the Battle: Relentless as a Waterfall


First-Clear Rewards None

Each Step Like Thunder Battlefield Materials and Main Enemies

Battlefield Materials

List of Materials

Each Step Like Thunder Walkthrough



1 Rushing Vah Naboris.jpg
Destroy the Guardians in the field using Vah Naboris.

Remember to recharge Naboris by walking around.

Use Rush (Y) or Lightning Onslaught (ZR) against the Guardian Skywatchers.
2 Defeat a total of 30,000 enemies to proceed to the next objective of the battle.
3 Defeating key enemies.jpg
Split up and take out the key enemies marked on your map.
4 Make your way to Fort Hateno and defeat the 3 attacking Guardians.
5 Finish off Fireblight Ganon and Waterblight Ganon.
6 Ice Guardian.jpg
Split up again and capture the outposts on the four corners of the map.
7 Escort Purah safely to the targeted location on the west side of the map.

You'll have to destroy Thunderblight Ganon first before Purah can move again.
8 Windblight Ganon.jpg
Destroy Windblight Ganon near the control unit so Purah can enter safely.
9 Defeat the Malice Guardian to finish the battle.

Each Step Like Thunder Tips and Strategies

Defeat Enemies Invading Fort Hateno

Overwhelmed Fort Hateno.jpg

One of the main objectives in this battle is to not let Fort Hateno fall. Have someone stay near Fort Hateno to take out incoming strong enemies immediately, lest it will get overwhelmed and make it difficult for you to go against multiple enemies at once (as shown in the image).

Each Step Like Thunder Korok Seed Locations

4 Korok Seeds Total

Map Location Directions
Approach the pinwheel and press the Y Button.
Approach the tree stump and press the Y Button.
Approach the flower and press the Y Button.
Approach the flower and press the Y Button.

Korok Seed Locations: How to Find All Korok Seeds

Each Step Like Thunder Treasure Chest Locations

Number Location and Description Rewards

Find a wooden chest to the left of Korok 1.
Giant Ancient Core ×2

Find a wooden chest next to a tree near some Lizalfos.
Big Hearty Truffle ×10

Find a metal chest outisde the southeasternern outpost.
Boulder Breaker

Find a metal chest on the island above the southeasternern outpost.
Lightscale Trident

Find a stone chest outside of the southern outpost near the center of the map.
Rupees ×300

Find a stone chest behind a tree east of the map.
Falcon Bow

Find this stone chest near the wreckage of a stone wall.
Ancient Battle Axe++

Find this stone chest near a stone wall next to some Lizalfos.
Rock Roast Flambé

Find a metal chest to the left of Korok 4.
Ruby ×5

All Treasure Chest Locations

All Story Guides

HW - Story Walkthrough

Story Walkthrough: List of Chapters

Chapter 1
The Battle of Hyrule Field Walkthrough.pngThe Battle of Hyrule Field Road to the Ancient Lab Walkthrough.pngRoad to the Ancient Lab
Chapter 2
Mipha the Zora Princess Walkthrough.pngMipha, the Zora Princess Daruk the Goron Hero Walkthrough.pngDaruk, the Goron Hero
Revali the Rito Warrior Walkthrough.pngRevali, the Rito Warrior Urbosa the Gerudo Chief Walkthrough.pngUrbosa, the Gerudo Chief
The Yiga Clan Attacks! Walkthrough.pngThe Yiga Clan Attacks!
Chapter 3
Freeing Korok Forest Walkthrough.pngFreeing Korok Forest The Road Home Besieged Walkthrough.pngThe Road Home, Besieged
Chapter 4
Akkala Tower Walkthrough.pngAkkala Tower Destroy the Yiga Clan! Walkthrough.pngDestroy the Yiga Clan!
When Courage Fails Walkthrough.pngWhen Courage Fails
Chapter 5
Calamity Strikes Walkthrough.pngCalamity Strikes
Water and Fire Walkthrough.pngWater and Fire Air and Lightning Walkthrough.pngAir and Lightning
Chapter 6
Relentless as a Waterfall Walkthrough.pngRelentless as a Waterfall Each Step Like Thunder Walkthrough.pngEach Step Like Thunder
Chapter 7
The Great Plateau Walkthrough.pngThe Great Plateau All Hyrule United Walkthrough.pngAll Hyrule, United
The Future of Hyrule Walkthrough.pngThe Future of Hyrule


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