Desensitized Horror Game Fans


All posts (88 total)
1 Anonymous04/07/2020 3:51 AMReport

This thread is for Resident Evil fans, and fans of the horror genre, who no longer get or never have been scared, spooked, excited, or etc, by most of the new games that pass as Horror.

    74 Anonymous04/16/2020 9:33 PMReport

    So, you do you learn about this process only after you satisfy the Level 2 death criteria? Or are you "living" Level 2 death like a normal "person" without knowing you'r in Level 2, and that if you die, you'll go to Level 3?

    75 Anonymous04/16/2020 9:36 PMReport

    Hmmm. I guess it would be more interesting if no one ever learns that they've already died and about the level they're in. But each level should have a distinct "normal reality," because there would be no point if every level is the same.

    76 Anonymous04/16/2020 9:40 PMReport

    For example: Person A lives their Level 1 life, and dies. This satisfies the Level 2 criteria, so Person A is now living their Level 2 life.

    77 Anonymous04/16/2020 9:40 PMReport

    The laws of reality (physics, colors, how the universe works, and etc.) in Level 2 don't follow the laws of any other level.

    78 Anonymous04/16/2020 9:40 PMReport

    Person A doesn't know this. They are unaware of their Level 1 life and they're unaware that they're in Level 2.

    79 Anonymous04/16/2020 9:40 PMReport

    They're just living life, as it's supposed to be lived in their designated level.

    80 Anonymous04/16/2020 9:41 PMReport

    So where does the fear factor come in?

    81 Anonymous04/16/2020 9:43 PMReport

    It comes in the same way it comes in at Level 1. The "dead" haunting your current reality (level). Any level can "haunt" another level, but the haunted only perceives it as a haunting, because they don't understand the laws of where it's coming from.

    82 Anonymous04/16/2020 9:45 PMReport

    So even someone possibly closer to godly-status, in Level 100, can be haunted by someone in Level 1, accidentally stumbling into the portal between 1 & 100.

    83 Anonymous04/16/2020 9:45 PMReport

    So, a haunting doesn't even have to be deliberate? Crayyyyyy

    84 Anonymous04/16/2020 9:46 PMReport

    Dude. Are you a god and you're secretly trying to tell us the secrets of the universe?

    85 Anonymous04/16/2020 9:47 PMReport

    Maybe. I'm from Level 5000, and I've managed to communicate with you, Level 1-ers.

    86 Anonymous04/16/2020 9:48 PMReport

    Wait. Wouldn't someone from Level 100 have an idea of what's really going on with a haunting? Wouldn't they know better, because they're further dead? Haha.

    87 Anonymous04/16/2020 9:49 PMReport

    It's possible that they can, but more probable that they don't. Remember that they live their lives normally. Something has to happen to someone, whatever level they're in, for them to get glimpses of the process. Call it the Third Eye.

    88 Anonymous04/16/2020 9:50 PMReport

    Something has to happen for them to develop a Third Eye. Let me think about it and get back to y'all.

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