Resident Evil 3 Remake (RE3)

Infinite Rocket Launcher - How to Get and Use

This page will show you how to get the weapon Infinite Rocket Launcher from Resident Evil 3 Remake (RE3 Remake). Read on to learn more about this weapon and available custom parts for Infinite Rocket Launcher.

Infinite Rocket Launcher - Basic Information

Basic Information

Infinite Rocket Launcher image
Price in Shop 62400P
Recommendation Rating ★★★★★
Description A recoilless rocker launcher that fires 84m projectiles. The piercing power of the rocker causes more damage than the explosion.

Where to Find Infinite Rocket Launcher

Can be Bought in the Shop for 62400P

The Infinte Rocket Launcher can be bought in the shop for 62400P and will appear in the Item Box for any save loaded.

All Shop Weapons and Items

Infinite Rocket Launcher Custom Parts

This weapon has no custome parts available. You can not combine custom parts found in the story with weapons bought in the shop. Weapons bought at the shop is available for both characters.

How to Use Infinite Rocket Launcher

Using Infinite Rocket Launcher on Nemesis

The Infinite Rocket Launcher can do massive damage to Nemesis when getting a direct hit. It can even one shot him in the early parts of the game. But this can be difficult as Nemesis will dodge the rocket. You will need to first disable him before firing at his weak spot.

Using Infinite Rocket Launcher on Enemies

The Rocket Launcher is the strongest weapon in the game. It has infinite rockets that can do splash damage and will instantly kill normal zombies. Effective in every situation.

Related Links

List of Guns
G19 Handgun M3 Shotgun
CQBR Assault Rifle Grenade Launcher
.44 AE Lightning Hawk G18 Handgun (Burst Model)
Samurai Edge RAI-DEN
List of Sub Weapons
Knife Hand Grenades
Flash Grenade HOT DOGGER
List of Infinite Ammo Weapons
Infinite MUP Handgun Infinite CQBR Assault Rifle
Infinite Rocket Launcher -

List of All Weapons


1 Anonymousalmost 5 years

will he get damaged if we target it on the ground near him? will he dodge too?


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