Resident Evil 3 Remake (RE3) Walkthrough Comments

How to Cure the Parasite StatusComment

Showing 1-20 of 31 entries


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    26 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

    you can use the herbs as a past time? lol and even a cooking ingredient

    25 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

    i mean the game set the herbs to cure your status nothing else so what use can you do besides curing yourself

    24 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

    You will never know! there might be some new usage for the herbs!

    23 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

    woah really dude? did you ever think that you will need the herb to cure your status because that's what herbs do

    22 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

    im seriously confused why they would give two green herb before i can enter the substation. now i know why

    21 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

    when you're low on health and have the parasite status, it's better to use the mixed one right??

    20 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

    It can but that is just a waste of resources since the parasite status can be easily cured by using a green herb only. So why bother using a mixed herb

    19 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

    will the mixed herb can remove the parasite status too?

    18 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

    just how corrupted is your mind hahahahaha. but it's funny tho :D

    17 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

    just what the heck happened to the convo here hahahahaah. you crazy ppl.

    16 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

    Hey! who does not want some alien kinky porno game? not me DEFINITELY!!

    15 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

    Im pretty sure we're playing a horror shooter game. Not some alien kinky porno game.

    14 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

    I knew something like an Alien style death scene will happen!

    13 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

    It can also affect your vision tho. the animation blocks some part of the screen.

    12 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

    I don't even know what to say to you man! that is just plain impossible and it is horrific! Don't do that to my girl jill please for the love of god!

    11 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

    just remember not to use the green herb if there are any Deimos in the surroundings. you will be vulnerable once you start puking the eggs out.

    10 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

    But there's a pssibility right? This is a video game afterall this can be a potential resident evil spin off!

    9 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

    You do know Jill is a girl right? that won't affect her. I study biology in my mind that cannot happen

    8 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

    Does Jill will get pregnant if those deimos put some eggs inside her? and some of the eggs didn't come out when using green herb?

    7 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

    Yeah that scene is brutal, so many mini deimos coming outside of Jill's stomach.

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