Resident Evil 3 Remake (RE3)

Discussion Board

This is a messge board for users who love Resident Evil 3 Remake (RE3 Remake) and want to discuss the game with other fants. Feel free to discuss topics like your favorite characters or story sections.

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Message Board

Submissions: 1539
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424 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

As long as you get all the clues, you're good. You can finish the demo in 2hrs max i think?

423 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

Is having the same objective a good thing tho? i mean wouldn't be so bad if they mixed in some new objectives in there too. Add a new coat of paint even to the objectives.

422 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

I dont think they will change the main objectives? bec it will greatly affect the story right? and most fans (like me) dont want that to happen.

421 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

It probably will. They might have to do a completely new route, or they might just choose one and make it canon.

420 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

Game isn't released yet but people are already speedrunning haha

419 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

What are your ideas about the live selection they've removed on the remake? does that change the main objective in the story?

418 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

How hard are the puzzles in the demo? I haven't played the demo yet.

417 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

You guys think they'll show people panic buying in the game?

416 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

They made the Zombies tougher, added useful features, nemesis looks intimidating than the original, the voice acting is also better than the original, Jill and Carlos look good, changed the camera angle, and more good stuff. What more can I say? WELL DONE!

415  Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

Me: *getting a rifle and shotgun + grenades* Nemesis: uh I don't think so

414 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

you can finish the demo in 3 mins

413 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

I looked for it. it says that the release of resistance is today (Asia). Maybe you can choose Hongkong in your VPN?

412 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

Not suRE, but if you're playing on ps4 or xbox one you can check it out now. Open beta has already started

411 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

REally? It starts tom where i live. Damn, maybe i can use a VPN to change my location. Where are the locations that REsistance is releasing today?

410 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

You can finish the demo within in 1 hour, or even half an hour. It depends on how you play.

409 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

Open beta test for REsistance will start today!

408 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

20?? Wait how lobg is this demo? Haven't played it yet since demo literally makes go wtf from how short they are.

407 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

I think there's like 20 dolls in the demo. The site has a page for it so you can check that out.

406 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

20. If you have trouble finding them, there's a guide somewhere in this wiki showing all their locations

405  Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

Thanks! gonna die harder! rofl! even tho it's just a demo, it is so addicting!

404  Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

I'm so scared I thought those zombie dudes on the diner will wake up! hahaha thank god they're double-dead HAHA

403  Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

How many dolls are there?

402  Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

didn't expect Nemesis to move THAT FAST----I JUST BLINKED

401  Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport


400  Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

when you hear someone growling ''STARSSSS'' YALL BETTER RUUUUUUUUUUN

399  Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

there's a lot of combination going on here lmao

398  Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

I accomplished on---- destroying all the dolls haha

397  Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

Mixing herbs and such, feeling like a chemist here lmao better grab more herbs, maybe this will extend my life on the game lol!

396  Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

Poor Nemesis, Umbrella is a rich hell of a company bust doesn't dress him like a full b*tch antagonist lmfao well I guess he doesn't deserve it looooool

395  Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

I guess this demo will lessen the jump scares when I play the actual game haha. (but still pray for me guys!)

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