Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

Forest Octorok Locations and Spoils

This is a guide to Forest Octoroks, an enemy in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW). Learn where they can be found in Hyrule, and what items they drop.

Forest Octorok Base Info

Forest Octorok
HP 8
Species Octorok
Although originally an aquatic species, this type has adapted to life in the forest. They hide among the trees, disguising themselves as grass or unassuming shrubbery, and then attack when someone wanders by.

Where to Find Forest Octoroks

Forest Octorok Locations

    ・Hyrule Ridge
    ・Deep Akkala

Forest Octorok Spoils

Octo Balloon IconOcto Balloon Octorok Eyeball IconOctorok Eyeball Octorok Tentacle IconOctorok Tentacle

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BotW - Enemies

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