Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

Where to Farm Tabantha Wheats: Locations and Prices

This is a guide to farming Tabantha Wheats, a material in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW). Learn where to get Tabantha Wheats, its buy and sell prices, as well as what you can do with it.

Tabantha Wheat General Info

Tabantha Wheat
Tabantha Wheat Image
Item Type Materials
This grain is cultivated extensively on the Tabantha Plains. It's ground finely with a millstone to be used in cooking. Use it to make things such as stews and breads.

Tabantha Wheat Effects

Heart Recovery 1
Cooking Effect None

Tabantha Wheat Buy Prices

Buy Price 12 / 14

Where to Farm Tabantha Wheats

Tabantha Wheat Locations and Sources

・Item Shops
・Cutting grass in the Tabantha regions

What To Do With Tabantha Wheats

Sell for Rupees

Tabantha Wheat can be sold for 3 Rupees. However, we recommend looking into other uses instead.

Item Sell Price
Tabantha Wheat 3

Use It for Cooking

Tabantha Wheat can be used to whip up the following recipes and elixirs.

Apple Pie IconApple Pie Carrot Cake IconCarrot Cake Carrot Stew IconCarrot Stew Clam Chowder IconClam Chowder
Egg Tart IconEgg Tart Fish Pie IconFish Pie Fried Bananas IconFried Bananas Fruit Pie IconFruit Pie
Fruitcake IconFruitcake Gourmet Meat Stew IconGourmet Meat Stew Honey Crepe IconHoney Crepe Meat Pie IconMeat Pie
Meat Stew IconMeat Stew Monster Cake IconMonster Cake Monster Soup IconMonster Soup Nutcake IconNutcake
Plain Crepe IconPlain Crepe Porgy Meuniere IconPorgy Meuniere Prime Meat Stew IconPrime Meat Stew Pumpkin Pie IconPumpkin Pie
Pumpkin Stew IconPumpkin Stew Salmon Meuniere IconSalmon Meuniere Seafood Meuniere IconSeafood Meuniere Wheat Bread IconWheat Bread
Wildberry Crepe IconWildberry Crepe

Use It for Armor Upgrades

Tabantha Wheat can be used to upgrade the following armor through Great Fairies.

There are no entries for this item.

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