Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

Where to Farm Rushrooms: Locations and Prices

This is a guide to farming Rushrooms, a material in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW). Learn where to get Rushrooms, its buy and sell prices, as well as what you can do with it.

Rushroom General Info

Rushroom Image
Item Type Materials
A mushroom that can grow almost anywhere but prefers ceilings and sheer cliffs. Cook it before eating to temporarily increase your movement speed.

Rushroom Effects

Heart Recovery 0.5
Cooking Effect Movement Speed Up

Rushroom Buy Prices

Buy Price 12 / -

Where to Farm Rushrooms

Rushroom Locations and Sources

Common Locations
・Gerudo Highlands
・Hyrule Ridge

How to Farm Rushrooms Quickly

Satori Mountain

BotW - How to Farm Rushrooms - Satori Mountain

☆ = Rushrooms

The best place to farm Rushrooms is south of Mogg Latan Shrine on Satori Mountain. Make sure to turn on your Sheikah Sensor to detect nearby Rushrooms.

From Mogg Latan Shrine, go behind the shrine and you should see about 3 Rushrooms.

Next, glide down south until you're near the foot of Satori Mountain. This area will allow you to gather as many as 15 Rushrooms.

Pumaag Nitae Shrine

BotW - How to Farm Rushrooms - Pumaag Nitae Shrine

☆ = Rushrooms

The second best place to farm Rushrooms is north of Pumaag Nitae Shrine. From Pumaag Nitae Shrine, head north until you see a cliffside.

On the cliffside, you'll find 5 Rushrooms.

Next, head west, and you should see a lake. By the lake, there are rocks which has about 5 Rushrooms. Be careful not to fall into the lake or you will have to redo this again.

This will net you around 10 Rushrooms.

Owa Daim Shrine

BotW - How to Farm Rushrooms - Owa Daim Shrine

☆ = Rushrooms

You can also find Rushrooms at the cliffside and lake, north of Owa Daim Shrine. From Owa Daim Shrine, head to the cliffside and climb down.

Next, jump down on the small ledges by the cliffside, and move your point of view facing downwards.

This area will allow you to gather as many as 5 Rushrooms. This is an easy way to get Rushrooms if you're just starting out.

What To Do With Rushrooms

Sell for Rupees

Rushroom can be sold for 3 Rupees. However, we recommend looking into other uses instead.

Item Sell Price
Rushroom 3

Use It for Cooking

Rushroom can be used to whip up the following recipes and elixirs.

There are no entries for this item.

Use It for Armor Upgrades

Rushroom can be used to upgrade the following armor through Great Fairies.

ClimberClimber's Bandanna Climbing Gear IconClimbing Gear Climbing Boots IconClimbing Boots Sand Boots IconSand Boots
Snow Boots IconSnow Boots

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