Infinity Nikki

Busted for Slacking Off! Quest Guide

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Infinity Nikki - Busted for Slacking Off!

Busted for Slacking Off! is a Random located in Florawish of the Heartcraft Kingdom region in Infinity Nikki 1.0. See how to unlock this quest, how to get to the Dream Warehouse Tower Rooftop, its walkthrough, and all its rewards here in this guide!

Busted for Slacking Off! Quest Location

Go to the Dream Warehouse Tower Rooftop

Busted for Slacking Off! is located at Florawish, in the region of Heartcraft Kingdom. To reach this location, you will have to either jump your way to its roof, or ride the Grand Crane. Afterward, speak with a Faewish Sprite named Momoda.

How to Get to the Dream Warehouse Tower Rooftop

Teleport to the Dream Warehouse Tower Warp Spire and walk to your right, until you reach the lowest of the broken pillars.
All Warp Spire Locations
If you do not have the Dream Warehouse Tower Warp Spire unlocked, you may teleport to the Dream Warehouse Rooftop Warp Spire instead, then jump down on the walkway west of the Spire.
Climb on top of all the broken pillars until you reach the tallest pillar on the end.
Jump onto the dome's border and walk toward the jump pad. Use it to vault yourself over to the rooftop where Momoda will be, slacking off!

Optionally Use the Grand Crane

Another way to reach Momoda is by riding the Great Crane. Teleport to the Dream Warehouse Rooftop, wait on the ledge for the Grand Crane to pass by, and jump on its wings for free passage. This will take you to the roof border, where you can use the launch pad to get onto the roof.

Although this path brings you closer to the quest location, we do not recommend this method because you will need to wait for the Grand Crane to arrive. This method is only ideal if the Grand Crane happens to be near the Dream Warehouse Rooftop.

How to Unlock Busted for Slacking Off!

Complete the Prerequisites

Quest Unlock Requirements
Infinity Nikki- Busted for Slacking Off!
Infinity Nikki - Embark on an Unknown Journey Embark on an Unknown Journey

Busted for Slacking Off! Automatically unlocks after completing the Main Quest Embark on an Unknown Journey and reaching Florawish!

Embark on an Unknown Journey Quest Guide

Busted for Slacking Off! Walkthrough

Talk to Momoda

Infinity Nikki Talk to Momoda

Reach the rooftop and speak to Momoda to initiate the quest. After a brief confrontation, they fly away to their designated location and conclude the quest, giving you its rewards!

Busted for Slacking Off! Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

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