I Wasted My Money


All posts (15 total)
1 Anonymous04/07/2020 3:58 AMReport

This thread is for Resident Evil fans who feel that they wasted their money on RE3 Remake and want to vent their frustrations.

    2 名無しさん04/07/2020 4:02 AMReport

    The game was way too easy to complete and lacks replay value, even with the promise of Resistance. I think that the only way to justify its price is to make all future DLCs free.

    3 Anonymous04/07/2020 4:22 AMReport

    Clocktower and Park were taken away from us. I don't have any problems if it weren't for the lack of those two.

    4 名無しさん04/07/2020 4:30 AMReport

    I agree, but sadly, even the addition of those parts wouldn't really have added THAT MUCH more playing time. It would have added more fun, but not a lot more time.

    5 Anonymous05/19/2020 10:15 PMReport

    I'm really sad to hear that, but I'm not surprised. Is anyone surprised?

    6 Anonymous05/19/2020 10:15 PMReport

    Capcom took advantage of and profited from our nostalgia, AGAIN. When will we ever learn? I hope now.

    7 Anonymous05/19/2020 10:17 PMReport

    Just dropping by to say that I didn't waste my money, because I knew better than to buy something like this. There are more compelling games that are free.

    8 Anonymous05/19/2020 10:18 PMReport

    Right? I haven't paid for a game in years (and no, I don't play illegally). There are so many free and legit options out there. Why do people still get caught up in the hype of things?

    9 Anonymous05/19/2020 10:19 PMReport

    I think they're caught up in being a part of something. It's hard for people to be satisfied with having their own unique interests. People always have to be sheep.

    10 Anonymous05/19/2020 10:21 PMReport

    Therefore, they feel like they have to buy the next new thing, lest missing out. But, really, they can just wait to see how something pans out, before dishing out their money.

    11 Anonymous05/19/2020 10:22 PMReport

    Sadly, many companies are greedy and many people enable that greed by being reckless with their money. I just don't understand how so many people don't understand the value of the money they have.

    12 Anonymous05/19/2020 10:23 PMReport

    Like a dollar should always be a dollar. But to some people, you don't have a dollar, until you have 10,000 of them.

    13 Anonymous05/19/2020 10:24 PMReport

    Someone who earns $500 a month can survive on that for over a month. Someone who earns $5,000 can barely pay rent. Lifestyle choices change when you earn more. Then you F yourself over. Mo' money, mo' problems.

    14 Anonymous05/19/2020 10:25 PMReport

    But it doesn't have to be that way if you stay humble and think smartly.

    15 Anonymous05/19/2020 10:25 PMReport

    But these are kids. Sooooooooooooooo

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