Gundam UC Engage

Half Anniversary Celebration Campaign Part 2


Half Anniversary Achievement Rewards - Gundam UCE

Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage continues the celebration of its half anniversary in June with Part 2 of their celebration campaign! Find out what rewards are in store for players

Half Anniversary Celebration Campaign Part 2


The celebration of Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage's half anniversary continues with the event's second half for June! Until June 26, 2024, enjoy more tickets, enhancement tickets, and Diamond packs in time for the arrival of powerful new mobile suits.

Special Achievement Rewards

Half Anniversary Achievement Rewards - Gundam UCE

Hot on the heels of Half Anniversary Celebration Part 1, Part 2 promises to reward players with UR Enhancement Chips, Coins, and even Guaranteed UR Mobile Suit Select Unit Assembly tickets. To check on the updated achievement rewards, check the "HFA Celebration Special Achievements" tab in the Achievement Rewards menu.

Requirement(s) Reward(s) QTY
Complete research 1 time. Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage - Coin IconCoin
Complete all HFA Celebration Special Achievements Part 2 Guaranteed UR Mobile Suit Select Unit Assembly Ticket
Destroy 10 mobile suits. Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage - Coin IconCoin
Destroy 100 mobile suits. Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage - Enhancement Program IV IconEnhancement Program IV
Destroy 200 mobile suits. Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage - Coin IconCoin
Destroy 300 mobile suits. Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage - Operation Improvement Manual IV IconOperation Improvement Manual IV
Destroy 500 mobile suits. Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage - Coin IconCoin
Destroy 700 mobile suits. Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage - Enhancement Program IV IconEnhancement Program IV
Destroy 1000 mobile suits. Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage - Coin IconCoin
Destroy 2000 mobile suits. Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage - Operation Improvement Manual IV IconOperation Improvement Manual IV
Complete research 6 times. Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage - Enhancement Program IV IconEnhancement Program IV
Complete research 12 times. Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage - Coin IconCoin
Complete research 18 times. Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage - Operation Improvement Manual IV IconOperation Improvement Manual IV
Complete research 30 times. Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage - Coin IconCoin
Complete research 42 times. Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage - Enhancement Program IV IconEnhancement Program IV
Complete research 60 times. Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage - Coin IconCoin
Complete research 90 times. Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage - Operation Improvement Manual IV IconOperation Improvement Manual IV
Battle 3 times in the Arena. UR Body Chip
Battle 6 times in the Arena. UR Main Weapon Chip
Battle 18 times in the Arena. UR Additional Weapon Chip
Battle 30 times in the Arena. UR Third Weapon Chip

Limited Time Pack Sale

The Half Anniversary event also comes with the sale of new Diamond packs! Three limited-edition Diamond packs are up for grabs from the Diamond Shop, though they're only limited to one of each pack per player!

Pack to be sold at Diamond Shop for Gundam UCE Half Anniversary Part 2
• [1 Pack Limit] Limited time! 2,600 Diamonds
• [1 Pack Limit] Limited time! 8,300 Diamonds
• [1 Pack Limit] Limited time! 12,000 Diamonds

Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage Related Guides

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News & Events

Version Updates

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2024/9/11 Update 2024/9/18 Update
2024/9/25 Update

Event News

Mission Battle The Moon Over Moon Moon
Combat Power Augmentation Operation Raid Battle
The First Newtype Battle Rush
Challenge Battle Clan Battle
0079 Crimson Lightning Half Anniversary Celebration Campaign Part 2
0086 Peche Montagne Event 0087 Peche Montagne A Kiss for the Water Planet II Event
World Raid Total War Event
0088 Peche Montagne A Voiceless Whisper II Event


1 DBG4 months

Tou have a typo... I most certainly did *not* receive 'x300' (as your spread sheet says) of the 'Guaranteed UR Mobile Suit Select Unit Assembly Tickets' for the 'Complete all HFA Celebration Special Achievements Part 2' goal! Just 1! And they didn't even have the decency to include The O, which came out the previous month, in the pool that is supposed to contain MS units available through/by that month!


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