Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

How to Get the Lightscale Trident: Damage Output and Prices

This is a guide to the Lightscale Trident, a weapon in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW). Read on to see the Lightscale Trident's stats, effects, prices, and where to find it.

Lightscale Trident Stats and Effects

Base Info

Lightscale Trident
Breath of the Wild - Lightscale Trident
Weapon Type Spear
Attack Power 22
Durability 70
Effect None
A spear of peerless grace cherished by the Zora Champion Mipha. Although Mipha specialized in healing abilities, her spearmanship was in a class all its own.

How to Get the Lightscale Trident

Locations and Prices

Lanayru Great Spring

Zelda: BotW Related Guides

List of Weapons.png

List of Weapons

List of Weapons by Type

BotW Weapons
One-Handed Two-Handed Spears

List of All Spears

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