Infinity Nikki

Find Fragrance: Meadow Zest Quest Guide

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Infinity Nikki - Find Fragrance: Meadow Zest

Find Fragrance: Meadow Zest is a Random quest under the Find Fragrance Series in Infinity Nikki 1.0. See how to get Meadow Zest, how to unlock this quest, its walkthrough, and all its rewards here in this guide!

Find Fragrance: Meadow Zest Quest Location

Go to Wishing Woods

Find Fragrance: Meadow Zest is located at Wishing Woods, in the region of Heartcraft Kingdom. Teleport to the Workshop Waterwheel Warp Spire and walk northwest to find the cavern.

All Warp Spire Locations

How to Unlock Find Fragrance: Meadow Zest

Complete the Prerequisites

Quest Unlock Requirements
Infinity Nikki- Find Fragrance: Meadow Zest
Infinity Nikki - Wishful Aurosa Wishful Aurosa

Find Fragrance: Meadow Zest is automatically unlocked in your quest log after crafting the Wishful Aurosa Outfit and completing the Main Quest of the same name.

Do note that you may also initiate this quest even without completing the Wishful Aurosa Main Quest first, as long as you have access to the Wishing Woods!

Wishful Aurosa Quest Guide

Find Fragrance: Meadow Zest Walkthrough

Use the Woven Pillars to Explore

Enter the Cavern and keep walking forward until you see a small hole through the wall. Use your Shrinking ability to pas through it, though be careful of the Pounceria guarding it, as it can snatch Momo and deal damage.
In the next area, jump onto the leaf pads and onto the woven pillars until you are able to cross the deep water.
Climb up the next woven pillar until you reach a new area, then keep going forward while avoiding the Pounceria. Jump onto another woven pillar and climb it until you reach the top of the stone pillar.
Jump onto the next platform and continue onward, purifying all Esselings that you come across, until you reach the top of the highest stone pillar.

Jump Down to the Next Tunnel

From the top of the highest stone pillar, jump down toward the tunnel with blings lining the path into it.

Ride the Pounceria

In the tunnel, walk up to the Pounceria as Momo and evade when it attempts to pounce. Jump on top of its head and ride it until you reach the raised platform, then jump on every woven pillar until you reach the other side.

Purify All Esselings in the Cavern

Infinity Nikki Purify All Esselings in the Cavern

Purify all of the Esselings guarding the chest in the cavern with your Purification ability. Once this is done, the Dark Essence from the chest will be dispelled.

Obtain Meadow Zest

Infinity Nikki Obtain Meadow Zest

Open the chest and obtain a Meadow Zest, among other rewards! This will promptly conclude the quest and add the new crafting material into your inventory.

Find Fragrance: Meadow Zest Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

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