Infinity Nikki

Find Fragrance: Viney Infusion Quest Guide

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Infinity Nikki - Find Fragrance: Viney Infusion

Find Fragrance: Viney Infusion is a Random quest under the Find Fragrance Series in Infinity Nikki 1.0. See how to unlock this quest, its walkthrough, and all its rewards here in this guide!

Find Fragrance: Viney Infusion Quest Location

Go to Stoneville

Find Fragrance: Viney Infusion is located at Stoneville, in the region of Heartcraft Kingdom.

From the Gliding Training Stonetree Warp Spire, head down and towards the mountains. Head up using Stonetrees, following a path of Blings to the cave entrance.

Stoneville Map and 100% Exploration Guide

How to Unlock Find Fragrance: Viney Infusion

Complete the Prerequisites

Quest Unlock Requirements
Infinity Nikki- Find Fragrance: Viney Infusion
Infinity Nikki Find Fragrance: Viney Infusion No Quest Requirement Hey Stylist! Looks like Find Fragrance: Viney Infusion is not locked behind any quest!

Find Fragrance: Viney Infusion does not require the Purify! Scent in the Cavern quest needed for the first three Find Fragrance quests in Florawish and Breezy Meadow.

All Find Fragrance Quest Guides

Find Fragrance: Viney Infusion Walkthrough

Head Down the Stonetree Steps

Infinity Nikki - Viney Stonetrees

Once you enter the cave, head down the Stonetree steps.

Defeat the Esselings

Infinity Nikki - Viney Esselings 1

There will be a group of Esselings waiting for you at the end. Defeat them to advance.

Head Up into the Cave

Infinity Nikki - Viney Head Up 1

Head up the steps in front of where the Esselings were. There should be an edge to jump from.

Go Down and Defeat a Rare Enemy

Infinity Nikki - Viney Rare Enemy

Jump down the edge and defeat a rare Esseling that gives a lot of Bling upon defeat. There will be a bunch of enemies here as well so defeat them before advancing.

Head Up More

Infinity Nikki - Viney Head Up2

After defeating the Esselings, head up further into the cave.

Defeat the Esselings at the Top

Infinity Nikki - Viney Esselings 2

There will be Esselings waiting for you at the top. Defeat them to get to the other side.

Follow the Grassy Path

Infinity Nikki - Viney Grassy Path

There will be Esselings blocking your path. Defeat them and head in straight.

Follow the Path

Infinity Nikki - Viney Path

More Esselings will greet you after the grassy path. Defeat them and head forward.

Defeat the Esselings

Infinity Nikki - Viney Esselings Head Down

6 more Esselings will be flying in front of you. Defeat all 6 and head down.

Head Down

Infinity Nikki - Viney Esselings Head Down 2

Jumping further down, you will see a few more Esselings and the chest on top of a Stonetree surrounded by water.

Open the Chest

Infinity Nikki - Viney Reward

Hop onto the Stonetree and claim your reward.

Find Fragrance: Viney Infusion Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Total Quest Rewards
x 1000

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