Infinity Nikki

Kindled Inspiration: Weave Fantasy (Fantasy Elements of Two Different Outfits)

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Infinity Nikki - Kindled Inspiration: Weave Fantasy

Kindled Inspiration: Transformation guide for Infinity Nikki. See the Fantasy elements of two different outfits for Bianbo here!

Fantasy Elements of Two Different Outfits

Any Fantasy-Labeled Clothing

Bianbo will be inspired with the combination of the Mood Maestro handheld, and any clothing piece from the Starlet Burst Outfit. You may also choose a different combination of pieces so long as they have the Fantasy Label, and are from two different outfit sets!

Wear the two pieces and show it to Bianbo to complete the quest.

List of All Clothing Pieces

Buy Mood Maestro From Aimibo

You may purchase the Mood Maestro handheld from a Faewish Sprite named Aimibo for 7,800 Blings. They are located east from the Wish Celebration Center Warp Spire, and north from where Bianbo is.

Mood Maestro Showcase and How to Get

Kindled Inspiration: Weave Fantasy Quest Location

Go to Wishing Woods

Kindled Inspiration: Weave Fantasy is located at Wishing Woods, in the region of Heartcraft Kingdom. Teleport to the Wish Celebration Center Warp Spire and walk into the small commune. Approach Bianbo at the small garden to initiate the quest.

How to Unlock Kindled Inspiration: Weave Fantasy

Complete the Prerequisites

Quest Unlock Requirements
Infinity Nikki- Kindled Inspiration: Weave Fantasy
Infinity Nikki - Mysterious Wishing Woods Mysterious Wishing Woods

Kindled Inspiration: Weave Fantasy unlocks immediately after completing the Main Quest Mysterious Wishing Woods.

Mysterious Wishing Woods Quest Guide

Kindled Inspiration: Weave Fantasy Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Special Rewards

Kindled Inspiration: Weave Fantasy Sketch
Infinity Nikki Bottle of Truth Necklace Bottle of Truth

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6 Anonymous3 months

Literally only have 2 items on .. I chose a hair piece (gemini spiral) from Starlet Burst outfit and the dress (soft feathers) from the Far and Away set. THAT'S IT. Don't put anything else on .. just hair and dress and it completed.

5 Atha 3 months

There is NO WAY this works for people that do not have those specific pieces. If you use 2 different fantasy pieces from 2 different clothing outfits as described, it will not work. How are we supposed to complete this quest then???


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