Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity

EX Survival of the Fittest Challenge Walkthrough

EX Survival of the Fittest Banner

This is a guide for EX Survival of the Fittest, a Challenge in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity. Read on to learn the best way to clear the challenge as well as obtainable rewards, materials and more!

EX Survival of the Fittest Basic Information

EX Survival of the Fittest
Challenge Level Range 81-90
Recommended Level 86
Region Central Hyrule
Special Conditions No Healing Items Appear
Time Limited
Unlock Conditions Clear the Challenge: EX Alert: Forgotten Temple
First-Clear Rewards
Rupee Icon Rupee x700

EX Survival of the Fittest - Materials and Enemies

Battlefield-Specific Materials

Does not drop battlefield materials

List of Materials

Main Enemies

List of Enemies

EX Survival of the Fittest Walkthrough

  1. Survive for 10 minutes

EX Survival of the Fittest - Tips and Strategy Guide

Cook Food Before Starting the Challenge

Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity - Cooking Food
Since this challenge does not drop healing items, we suggest cooking recipes that reduce damage from enemies or restore health.

Reduce Damage Steamed Fish, Salt-Grilled Crab, Fish Pie, Porgy Meuniére
Restore Health Pumpkin Stew, Creamy Heart Soup

Cooking Guide and List of Recipes

Stock Up on Apples

Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity - Buy Apples Before Beginning a Quest

It is recommended to stock up on apples before starting the challenge as no healing items will appear in the battlefield.

If you have completed An Abundance of Apples quest from the Royal Ancient Lab, you can buy apples from the menu for 450 Rupees.

Healing Items and How to Heal

Move Around in Circles

Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity - Move Around in a Circle
If you find yourself getting swarmed by enemies, head to the edge of the battlefield and run around in circles. You can also use this opportunity to heal or recharge the Sheikah runes.

Use a Mob Clearing Character

Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity - Use a Mob Clearing Character
Use characters that are good at fighting groups of enemies such as Teba and Impa. If you are really having trouble with survivability, we suggest using Mipha as her Special-Attack restores hearts!

Use Daruk's Unbreakable Shield

Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity - Use Daruk
The easiest way to complete the challenge is to use Daruk and hold the ZL button to use his unbreakable shield. His shield blocks all attacks, so you just need to hold the button and wait for the timer to run out.
Daruk Usage Guide, Builds, Combos, and How to Unlock

Avoid Defeating the Powerful Foes

Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity - Avoid Defeating Powerful Foes
Another method of completing this challenge is to avoid defeating the powerful foes and simply run around in circles. Defeating the Fire Moblin, Electric Hinox, or any of the Wizzrobes will spawn more powerful enemies such as two Red Chuchus and a Silver Moblin with explosive barrels.

Using this method, you only need to face an Electric Hinox, a Fire Moblin, and the elemental Wizzrobes. When the timer reaches the one minute mark, a Malice Lynel will spawn and an Ice Hinox at twenty second mark.

Be sure to cook a Creamy Heart Soup when using this method as the food allows you to recover health every 10 seconds.

List of Enemies

Set the Difficulty to Easy

Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity - Easy Mode
If you are really stuck and at the end of your wits, we suggest setting the difficulty mode to Easy. Enemies are easier to defeat and they do not hit that hard in this difficulty so the problem with the time constraint and survivability may be solved.

Of course, you can always change the difficulty back afterward!

Difference Between Difficulty Modes: Which Difficulty Should You Choose?

Related Links

HW:AoC - Challenges
List of Challenges


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