Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity

How to Get Moblin Trophies Fast

Moblin Trophy Icon

This is a guide to finding Moblin Trophies, a material in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity for the Nintendo Switch. The best places to get Moblin Trophies, how to use them, Moblin Trophy sell price and more can all be found here!

Best Missions for Moblin Trophy Farming

Leave None Behind

Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity - Leave None Behind
This mission includes four Moblins to defeat within a small map and can be finished in under two minutes.

Another alternative for this mission is Fish Out of Water as it has the same amount of Moblins to defeat, although it may take a longer time to finish as it requires you to navigate between three outposts on a large map.

Leave None Behind Challenge Walkthrough

Fierce Gale of the Rito

Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity - Fierce Gale of the Rito
Fierce Gale of the Rito requires you to play as Revali and defend a stronghold within four minutes. More than ten Moblins will appear on the battlefield, making it one of the fastest ways to farm for Moblin materials in the early game.

Fierce Gale of the Rito Challenge Walkthrough

Fairy Fountain: Battlefield

Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity - Fairy Fountain Battlefield
In this challenge, you must defeat six Moblins and collect Rupees from treasure chests before battling one of the Great Fairies. This mission also has a time limit, so be sure to pick your strongest character to finish this challenge as fast as possible!

Fairy Fountain: Battlefield Challenge Walkthrough

How to Get Moblin Trophies

Obtain by Defeating Enemies

Moblin IconMoblin Ice Moblin IconIce Moblin Electric Moblin IconElectric Moblin Fire Moblin IconFire Moblin
Blue Moblin IconBlue Moblin Black Moblin IconBlack Moblin Stalmoblin IconStalmoblin Silver Moblin IconSilver Moblin

This material can be obtained by defeating any of the enemies shown here. Click on the enemy's page to see all battles that they appear in, as well as an in-depth farming guide for that enemy.

List of Enemies

How to Use Moblin Trophies

Used for Quests

Quest Required Materials
The Frontiers of Knowledge
Moblin Fang Icon Moblin Fang x1
Moblin Trophy Icon Moblin Trophy x3
A Flower-Adorned Goddess
Moblin Trophy Icon Moblin Trophy x5
Entrance Test
Moblin Trophy Icon Moblin Trophy x5
Hoping for Heat Relief
Moblin Trophy Icon Moblin Trophy x10
Hateno Defense Squad
Ironshroom Icon Ironshroom x5
Moblin Trophy Icon Moblin Trophy x10
The Volunteer Army
Amber Icon Amber x2
Moblin Trophy Icon Moblin Trophy x5
Sapphire Icon Sapphire x2
Mount Taran's Solitary Masters
Moblin Trophy Icon Moblin Trophy x10
Help Them on Their Way
Flint Icon Flint x5
Moblin Trophy Icon Moblin Trophy x10
Helping Out at Hateno Pasture
Moblin Trophy Icon Moblin Trophy x15
Hylian Rice Icon Hylian Rice x10
A Statis on Research
Moblin Trophy Icon Moblin Trophy x5
A Moss-Covered Goddess
Moblin Trophy Icon Moblin Trophy x10
Only the Best
Moblin Trophy Icon Moblin Trophy x25
Hinox Tooth Icon Hinox Tooth x12
Lynel Hoof Icon Lynel Hoof x12
Diamond Icon Diamond x5
Stunning Bracelet
Moblin Trophy Icon Moblin Trophy x10
Ruby Icon Ruby x1
The Trial of Monsters
Moblin Trophy Icon Moblin Trophy x20
Finding Courage
Voltfruit Icon Voltfruit x10
Moblin Trophy Icon Moblin Trophy x30
Flight-Range Field Trip
Sanke Carp Icon Sanke Carp x10
Moblin Trophy Icon Moblin Trophy x30
Chilly Path to a Hot Bath
Sunshroom Icon Sunshroom x10
Moblin Trophy Icon Moblin Trophy x10
Spicy Pepper Icon Spicy Pepper x10
Defend the Goron Hot Springs
Moblin Trophy Icon Moblin Trophy x10
Enduring Death Mountain
Moblin Trophy Icon Moblin Trophy x10
The Strongest String
Armoranth Icon Armoranth x15
Moblin Trophy Icon Moblin Trophy x10
Swift Violet Icon Swift Violet x15
At All Hours
Moblin Trophy Icon Moblin Trophy x20
Trial of Tutsuwa Nima
Moblin Trophy Icon Moblin Trophy x15
An Offering to the Rito Goddess
Hydromelon Icon Hydromelon x30
Moblin Trophy Icon Moblin Trophy x10
A Modest Celebration
Hyrule Bass Icon Hyrule Bass x10
Hyrule Herb Icon Hyrule Herb x10
Moblin Trophy Icon Moblin Trophy x25
Hylian Rice Icon Hylian Rice x10
Helping with Heights
Wood Icon Wood x100
Moblin Trophy Icon Moblin Trophy x10
Keese Trophy Icon Keese Trophy x30
Acorn Icon Acorn x15
Patrolling the Desert
Moblin Trophy Icon Moblin Trophy x20
Great Bridge Repairs
Moblin Fang Icon Moblin Fang x35
Sanke Carp Icon Sanke Carp x20
Moblin Trophy Icon Moblin Trophy x20
A Thief in Our Midst
Moblin Trophy Icon Moblin Trophy x20
For the Future of Hyrule
Raw Meat Icon Raw Meat x20
Palm Fruit Icon Palm Fruit x20
Moblin Trophy Icon Moblin Trophy x15
Parental Support
Moblin Trophy Icon Moblin Trophy x10
Giving Peace of Mind
Moblin Trophy Icon Moblin Trophy x10
Search Party for Parts
Hearty Bass Icon Hearty Bass x15
Raw Meat Icon Raw Meat x20
Moblin Trophy Icon Moblin Trophy x10
Rupee Icon Rupee x2000
A Monumental Undertaking
Moblin Fang Icon Moblin Fang x30
Moblin Trophy Icon Moblin Trophy x20
Lynel Horn Icon Lynel Horn x5
Daruk's Boot Camp
Moblin Trophy Icon Moblin Trophy x20
Rock Salt Icon Rock Salt x10
Goron Spice Icon Goron Spice x10
Diamond Icon Diamond x2
Parade for the Champions
Korok Seed Icon Korok Seed x8
Moblin Trophy Icon Moblin Trophy x10
The Sweetest Salsa
Swift Carrot Icon Swift Carrot x25
Rushroom Icon Rushroom x25
Korok Seed Icon Korok Seed x24
Moblin Trophy Icon Moblin Trophy x10
Swift Violet Icon Swift Violet x25
Fuel Up with Plants
Armoranth Icon Armoranth x20
Hyrule Herb Icon Hyrule Herb x20
Moblin Trophy Icon Moblin Trophy x10
Pursuing Supreme Power
Moblin Trophy Icon Moblin Trophy x20
Diamond Icon Diamond x5
Hyrule Institute of Tactics Research
Moblin Trophy Icon Moblin Trophy x25
Lynel Hoof Icon Lynel Hoof x20
An Eye for Weapons
Moblin Trophy Icon Moblin Trophy x10
Peace Offering for Hyrule
Moblin Trophy Icon Moblin Trophy x25
Keese Trophy Icon Keese Trophy x50
Full Bellies Fight Better
Moblin Trophy Icon Moblin Trophy x15
Moblin Trophy Icon Moblin Trophy x10
Rupee Icon Rupee x4000
The Menace of Vicious Monsters
Moblin Trophy Icon Moblin Trophy x20
EX The More the Merrier
Moblin Trophy Icon Moblin Trophy x10
EX Horsemanship and Horsepower
Moblin Trophy Icon Moblin Trophy x10

List of Quests

Age of Calamity Materials

HW - List of Materials
List of Materials


5 Anonymousover 2 years

Outpost defenders.. I got 13 trophies in about 4-5 minutes.

4 Anonymousover 4 years

Echoing Footsteps. It is level 25 and is right below Mabe Village shop in central Hyrule. Has 7 Moblins and takes about 3 minutes


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