
How to Defeat Chaos - Espers

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This is the article page and guide for Chaos, Walker of the Wheel in the game Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age (FFXII, FF12, FF XII Zodiac Age). Information on where the Esper is, how to get them, and what skills they unlock are discussed here.

How to Defeat Chaos

Points to Consider

  • You'll have to fight tough enemies before getting to Chaos
  • Humbaba Mistant and Fury are no pushovers
  • Chaos inflicts Silence and Disable as a default
  • Normal attacks are disabled; Magicks are allowed
  • Chaos is susceptible to Sap and Slow
  • Wind-based attacks are easily dealt with using the Windbreaker item
  • Non-elemental attacks are effective-

In-Depth Battle Walkthrough

Chaos is a very difficult enemy although, theoretically, you can beat him even at low levels. One thing you have to consider is that he is within the Necrohol of Nabudis where, at low levels, the enemies feel more like mini-bosses than your garden-variety mob. Second, you have to go through two particularly tough enemies; the Humbaba Mistant, which is negligible as an opponent, and the Fury, which is a REALLY tough boss unless you've significantly strengthened yourself.

Once you've finally reached Chaos, you better have items to counter against Silence and Disable, because these are his default attacks. On top of that, the party is restricted from using normal attacks, so Magicks are your only bet against this Esper. There are also elemental chaosjets accompanying him. A good strategy would be to rain on him with Scathe, since this eliminates the chaosjets fairly easily, as well as deal heavy damage to Chaos. Chaos can also be saddled with Sap and Slow, making this a good fallback strategy should things become harder.

Players can also choose between two routes: use Technicks like Souleater and Gil Toss in case they are inflicted with Silence, or go the Magicks route, using both non-elemental and colored Magicks such as Scathe and Drain and Balance. Items like Knot of Rust also prove effective. As for the damage coming from his Wind-based attacks, Windbreakers have proven effective in dealing with the damage, short of outright blocking it. Keep at him, and he'll be joining the Espers as summons shortly.

Chaos - Stats and Moveset

chaos silence esper walkthrough final fantasy xii ff12


Chaos Lv.57
HP 208966
MP 999
Vitality 87
Magic Atk 47
Magic Def 34
Strength 52
Speed 23
Atk 98
Def 31
Esper Location Necrohol of Nabudis
Notable Skills Unlocked Tornado, Whirlwind
Recommended Classes Black Mage, Monk, Uhlan, White Mage

*Note: Data is meant to reflect Chaos' stats at Lv.57

AI Moveset

Skill Skill Definition
Fearga Decreases the enemy's MP to 95% of its capacity.
Aeroga Black Magick. Deals Wind damage to all foes within range.
Aeroja Black Magick unique to Chaos. It deals heavy Wind-element damage alongside the Confuse status.
Special Skills Enrage, Ignore Evade, Ignore Vitality, Ignore Reflect, Normal Damage+
Unique Spells Whirlwind, Tornado

Chaos - Summoned Skills

chaos summoned esper walkthrough final fantasy xii ff12
Chaos has the following skills available to buff up its summoner:

Movesets (Summoned)

Skills Skill Definition
Renew All allies within range fully regain HP.
Aeroga Heavy wind damage dealt to all foes within range.
Whirlwind A Wind-element attack. The damage calculation depends on the player's HP.
Tornado A Wind-element attack that is also the Esper's Ultimate move.

Passive Augments

Skill Skill Definition
Ignore Reflect Reflect status is ignored when casting a spell.
Ignore Vitality Target's vitality is ignored when dealing status spells.

Chaos - Benefits of Use

chaos glyph esper walkthrough final fantasy xii ff12
Chaos' Renew and Aeroga spells are a potent combination of offensive and defensive buffs. Renew restores the party's HP to full, while Aeroga is a very strong Wind-element attack. That's not to mention Whirlwind and Tornado, which are already very nice offensive spells in themselves. It would also be nice to experiment with the Esper's offensive skills, as its Tornado attack has damage which is calculated via percentage.

Final Fantasy XII Related Links

List of Espers Walkthrough

Adrammelech, the Wroth Belias, the Gigas
Chaos, Walker of the Wheel Cúchulainn, the Impure
Exodus, the Judge-Sal Famfrit, the Darkening Cloud
Hashmal, Bringer of Order Mateus, the Corrupt
Shemhazai, the Whisperer Ultima, the High Seraph
Zalera, the Death Seraph Zeromus, the Condemner
Zodiark, Keeper of Precepts


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