Crisis Core: Reunion

How to Beat Genesis Avatar and Second Encounter: Boss Fight Strategy Guide

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Crisis Core Reunion - Genesis Avatar & Second Encounter

Genesis Avatar and Second Encounter are two consecutive boss battles in Chapter 10 of Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion. Check out Genesis Avatar, Materia, and Second Encounter's stats and weaknesses, how to beat Genesis, and his attack patterns here!

Genesis Avatar Guides
Weakness & Drops Boss Guide

Genesis Avatar and Second Encounter Details

Genesis Boss Stats

Genesis Avatar

- Normal Hard
HP 400000 2232000
MP 2301 2301

Genesis Materia

- Normal Hard
HP 400000 2232000
MP 5000 5000

Genesis (Second Encounter)

- Normal Hard
HP 400000 2232000
MP 5000 5000

Genesis Boss Weaknesses

- Fire Ice Thunder
Genesis Avatar Weak Weak Weak
Genesis Materia - - -
Genesis (2nd Encounter) - - -

Genesis Avatar and Second Encounter Precaution

Two Consecutive Boss Battles

You will fight the Genesis Avatar and Genesis the second time respectively in this encounter. Equip the best equipment you got and give it your all!

Recommended Equipment

Materia Darkness
High Jump
Costly Punch
Accessories Use any accessory that increase your stats, this boss doesn't inflict status ailmemts.

How to Beat Genesis Avatar and Materia

Avatar and Materia Share HP

Crisis Core Reunion - Genesis Avatar HP

The Genesis Avatar and Materia attached to the sword share the same HP bar, so you don't have to worry about who you should attack first.

Attack the Sword Stuck on the Ground

Crisis Core Reunion - Genesis Avatar Materia Sword

You can't use melee attacks against the Genesis Avatar himself. You can only use them when the Materia Sword is stuck on the ground. Use a combination of Battle Stance and Command materia to deal as much damage as possible.

Use Ranged Magic on the Avatar

As previously mentioned, you cannot use Melee attacks on the Genesis Avatar. Use Magic Materia such as Firaga, Blizzaga, or Thundaga to deal considerable damage from a distance!

Use Darkness on the G Shadows

The boss battle periodically spawns G Shadow mobs. Use Darkness to take them out all at once thanks to the materia's AoE capability.

Block Shadow Flare and Flare

The Shadow Flare and Flare attacks are very difficult to dodge. You can choose to block them or use materia such as MBarrier or Wall to reduce damage taken.

How to Beat Genesis (Second Encounter)

Use Battle Stance to Increase Abilities

Most of Genesis' attacks are difficult to evade. You can use the Battle Stance and guard to transition to a powerful Command Ability.

Back Attack After Dancing Sword

After Genesis uses Dancing Sword, he most likely will turn his back for a short while. Defend yourself from Dancing Sword to be able to attack back when Genesis' back is turned!

Use Wall to Reduce Damage

Genesis' attacks are powerful and overall tough to avoid, you can use the Wall materia to reduce damage taken as Genesis excels in both Physical and Magical attacks.

How to Get the Wall Materia

Genesis Avatar and Second Encounter Attack Patterns

Genesis Avatar Patterns

Attack Pattern Description
Sword Plunge Plunges a sword to the ground, enabling itself to be hit by Melee attacks.
Shadow Flare Casts multiple homing fireballs toward Zack.
Overdrive Damages your MP and AP. Removes buffs currently on Zack.
Purgatorial Wave A strong Special Ability that deals a ton of damage.

Second Encounter Patterns

Attack Pattern Description
2 Hit Combo Two sword slashes.
Kick Melee attack that causes some knockback.
Flash Fires ranged attacks in a fan shape.
Homing Fires four fireballs homing toward Zack.
Twister Strike Genesis does a wide slash using his sword.
Dancing Sword An attack combo that deals multiple hits. Genesis turns his back for a while after using this attack.
Magic Sword Summons magical swords that surround Zack then attacks.
Apocalypse Special Ability that deals a huge amount of damage.

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