Crisis Core: Reunion

Number Guessing Game Guide and Rewards

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The Number Guessing Game is one of the minigames in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion. Check out how to access the minigame, plus how to solve it, how to raise Aerith's affection, and see the list of rewards in this guide!

Note: All information is based on the PSP version of the game. Stay tuned for updates once Reunion releases!

Number Guessing Game Overview

Minigame Location Sector 5 Slums - Market
How to Access Can be accessed after getting Zack's wallet back. Talk to the boy that Zack traded potions with and pay him 100 gil to start the challenge.
Note: Payment is reduced by 10 gil based on how many potions Zack traded. It can go down to a minimum of 50 gil.
How to Complete the Minigame Guess a number that will match how many children will walk by
Availability Period Available after taking Aerith to the Slums Market until the departure to Nibelheim

How to Complete Number Guessing Game

Guess How Many Children Will Walk By

The boy will have have Zack pick a number between 1 and 6. The number Zack chooses should match the number of children that will walk by. Guess correctly and win the prize that the boy will announce at the beginning!

Optionally, Zack can pay the boy an extra 50 gil for a hint.

Increase Aerith's Affection for Guesses

Aerith's Affection Aerith's Guesses
High 2
Middle 3
Low 4

If Aerith is with Zack, ask her what her guesses are! The quality of her guesses depends on her feelings for Zack at this point. So it is recommended to increase her affection for Zack first before doing this minigame.

Number Guessing Game Rewards List

All Rewards and Acquisition Odds

Prize Grade Odds
Potion Normal High Probability
Soma Normal High Probability
Bronze Bangle Good Low Probability
Hi-Potion Good Low Probability
Thunder Good Low Probability
Blizzard Good Low Probability
Fire Good Low Probability
Bulletproof Vest Best Very Low Probability
Bronze Armlet Best Very Low Probability
X-Potion Best Very Low Probability
ATK Up Best Very Low Probability
HP Up Best Very Low Probability

The boy will announce one of the following rewards that Zack will get if he guessed the number right! Additionally, prizes that have low to very low probabilty will appear much more frequently as the story progresses.

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