Crisis Core: Reunion

Perfume Blending Guide: How to Blend the Perfect Perfume

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Blending the Perfect Perfume is one of the minigames in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion. Check out how to access the minigame, plus how to solve it, how to raise Aerith's affection, and the list of rewards in this guide!

Note: All information is based on the PSP version of the game. Stay tuned for updates once Reunion releases!

Perfume Blending Minigame Overview

Minigame Location Sector 5 Slums - Market
How to Access Talk to the perfume clerk.
How to Complete the Minigame Blend the perfect perfume by adding the right amount of oil
Availability Period Available after taking Aerith to the Slums Market until the departure to Nibelheim

Perfume Blending Guide and How to Complete

Follow the Clerk's Specified Number of Drops

Text-Based Clue Drop Amount
Drip 1
DripDrip 2
Splash! 10

To blend the perfect perfume, the clerk will specify the amount of oil needed. Then, count how many drops are added based on the following text-based clues. Press the button once the specified amount is reached.

Make sure to have enough gil before starting this minigame.

The amount needed differs per player and playthrough, so make sure to count the drops exactly.

Perfume Blending Rewards List

Boost Aerith’s Affection for Zack

Drops of Oil Added Boost in Aerith's Feelings
Perfect Blend +5
Optimal amount ± 1-2 drops +3
Optimal amount ± 3-4 drops +1
Optimal amount ± 5 drops or more -1

Blending perfectly will boost Aerith's feelings for Zack. But pay close attention; messing up the blend can decrease it as well. So count those drops carefully!

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