Crisis Core: Reunion

DMW Guide: All Limit Breaks and Buffs

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The Digital Mind Wave (DMW) is Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion's limit break. Read on to learn all of the DMW effects, as well as how to use them.

All DMW Effects

DMW Status Buffs

Combination Effect
777 Invincible (limited time)
666 Crtical (limited time)
555 Null physical damage (limited time)
444 AP cost zero (until end of battle)
333 Null magic damage (limited time)
222 MP cost zero (until end of battle)
111 Invincible (limited time)
77- AP and MP cost zero (limited zero)
7-7 Null physical damage (limited time)
-77 Null magic damage (limited time)
7-- AP cost zero (limited time)
-7- MP cost zero (limited time)
--7 Endure (limited time)

Note: ( - ) means that it can be replaced by any number

Summon Mode

Name Portrait
Hellfire Ifrit
Megaflare Bahamut
Exaflare Bahamut Fury
Zantetsuken Odin
Rebirth Flame Phoenix

Limit Breaks

Name Portrait
Chain Slash Silhouette
Octaslash Sephiroth
Rush Assault Angeal
Air Strike Tseng
Healing Wave Aerith
Lucky Stars Cissnei
Meteor Shots Cloud
Apocalypse Genesis

Chocobo Mode

Name Portrait
Chocobo Stomp Chocobo
1000 Needles Cactuar
Murderous Thrust Tonberry
Courage Boost! Cait Sith
Moogle Power Moogle
Item Mugger Magic Pot

What is the DMW?

Zack's Limit Break

The Digital Mind Wave (DMW) is Crisis Core's version of the Limit Break. Depending on the outcome of the DMW, Zack can receive buffs, use special attacks, and even level-up.

Based on a Slot Machine

Any DMW effect that Zack receives is dependent on what the slot machine on the left-hand corner of the screen shows.

The slot machine features three slots that will randomly select portraits that hand out buffs to Zack, depending on the combinations.

Higher levels make it easier to get better rewards

Hitting a perfect 777 combination is pretty low at first. The more Zack levels up, the higher the probability of getting 777.

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