Crisis Core: Reunion

Crisis Core Reunion Review: Is It Worth It?

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Crisis Core Reunion - Review
This is Game8's review of Crisis Core Reunion, an Action RPG published by Square Enix. Read on to hear our thoughts after finishing the game, its pros and cons, who should play it, and if it is worth picking up!

Crisis Core Reunion Rating and Review Score

Overall Score
Mechanics Story Art & Graphics Music & OST Game Length
8/10 9/10 9/10 9/10 7/10

Overall The total rating of the game. The scores available range from 1-10 with 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest.
Story Rating the plot, characters, as well as pacing, and overall depth of the story.
Mechanics How we rate the gameplay mechanics and systems designed in the game.
Art & Graphics Rating how beautiful the game's graphics are as well as its user interface.
Soundtrack Rating how the game's music grips players during battle and cutscenes.
Game Length The base game's length, replayability, and time needed for 100% completion.

Who Should Play Crisis Core: Reunion?

Fans of the Original Crisis Core PSP Game

Crisis Core Reunion - Zack vs Sephiroth

Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion brings something to the table for both veterans and new players alike. Fans of the original Crisis Core will appreciate the quality-of-life changes, like skippable DMW cutscenes, fully-voiced cutscenes and interactions, as well as smoother combat.

New players can jump into a new and improved gameplay existence that still stays faithful to the original. Fans of Final Fantasy VII can experience the story that led up to it.

What Did You Think of Crisis Core: Reunion?

Must play game! 12
Just okay. Good elements here and there. 10
Would pick it up on sale. 6
Not my kind of game. 2

Comments Section

Crisis Core Reunion Review

Pros of Crisis Core Reunion

Good Points of Crisis Core Reunion

View Cons

Smoother Combat System

Crisis Core Reunion - Combat
Crisis Core: Reunion boasts a simple but surprisingly deep combat system. Its basic combat mechanics like attacking and blocking are fun yet simple. Zack has adjusted attack timings that make it feel smoother and more fast-paced compared to the original game.

Reunion now also has skippable DMW cutscenes that allow for a smoother flow of combat especially when grinding.

Despite the simple gameplay, the Materia Fusion System and the Digital Mind Wave mechanic make the game unique and add depth.
Best Materia Setup & Combinations

Beautiful Graphics and Runs Smoothly

Whether playing on the Nintendo Switch or PC, Crisis Core: Reunion is a visual spectacle with its updated textures and graphics. The game also runs smoothly for a multiplatform game; with little to no dips in framerate.

Great OST

As with any Final Fantasy game, Crisis Core: Reunion's OST is as immersive as it is great and very much part of the gaming experience.

Cons of Crisis Core Reunion

Bad Points of Crisis Core Reunion

View Pros

Too Much Grinding

For a game that takes around 15 hours to finish, Crisis Core: Reunion has a lot of grinding. Whether it's completing the DMW gallery or finishing all the side missions, many activities in the game require grinding.

This can be a turn-off for players intending to play for just the story.
How Long is Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion?

Unfamiliar DMW and Level Up System

Crisis Core: Reunion - DMW
While the Digital Mind Wave (DMW) System is a unique way to play the game, it can be confusing to newer players and even players with experience from the original game. The DMW is completely random but with ways to influence the outcome.
DMW System Explained

Recasted Voice Actors

Fans of the original game may be disappointed to know that the original voice actors of Crisis Core were re-cast. Despite that, Crisis Core: Reunion offers a compelling story coupled with strong performances from its voice actors, especially the game's popular ending.

Secret Ending: Does Zack Die?

Is Crisis Core Reunion Worth It?

Worth it For Long Time Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Fans

Crisis Core Reunion - Is it worth it?
As a faithful remaster of the PSP game, Crisis Core Reunion will be worth it for long-time fans. Its story and music are largely the same while offering better graphics and adjustments to gameplay.

New players will have to adjust to Crisis Core: Reunion with its unique Digital Mind Wave (DMW) System but will otherwise find it a game with its own charms.

Otherwise, Crisis Core: Reunion is a great game to grab for its price, especially for completionists and those wanting more from the Final Fantasy VII universe.

Crisis Core Reunion Product Information

Software Information
Crisis Core Reunion - Software Information
Release Date / Time December 13, 2022
Full Title Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion
Developer Square Enix Co.LTD
Price $49.99
Genre Action RPG
Platforms ・PC
・PlayStation 4
・PlayStation 5
・Nintendo Switch
・Xbox Series X|S
Website Official Website
Twitter Official Twitter Account

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