Crisis Core: Reunion

Who is Rude? | Rude Profile and Voice Actor

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Rude is a character you will encounter in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion. Read on to learn more about Rude's voice actor, backstory, characteristics, and more.

Rude Backstory and Profile

Crisis Core Reunion - Rude Character Profile

Name Rude
Voice Actor EN: William C. Stephens
JP: Taiten Kusunoki
Position Turk

Rude is another member of the Turks and joined at the same time as Reno.

Taciturn and unreadable behind his sunglasses, Rude is difficult to approach, but he’s actually a surprisingly compassionate man.

Rude Characteristics and Role

A Turks member with a clean-shaved head


Rude is impossible to mistake with his ice-cool shaved-head-and-sunglass look. As a member of Shinra Company's General Affairs Division, he's been working with his comrade-in-arms Reno since way back.

He speaks only when absolutely necessary and prefers to use his bare fists and physical prowess to subdue his enemies.

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