Crisis Core: Reunion

Who is Aerith Gainsborough? | Aerith Profile and Voice Actor

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Aerith Gainsborough is a character you will encounter in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion. Read on to learn more about Aerith's voice actor, backstory, characteristics, and more.

Aerith Backstory and Profile

Crisis Core Reunion - Young Aerith.png

Name Aerith Gainsborough
Voice Actor EN: Briana White
JP: Maaya Sakamoto
Age 16 (At the start of the story)
22 (By the end of the story)
Birthplace Midgar

Aerith is a somewhat fey and mysterious girl who lives in the Sector 5 slums. Her first fateful encounter with Zack comes as she is tending to her flowers in the slum church.

Aerith Characteristics and Role

Zack's Love Interest

Crisis Core Reunion - Zack and Aerith.png

Aerith is Zack's girlfriend and love interest in Crisis Core. They meet at a chance encounter after Zack fell through the church's roof into the church's flowerbed that Aerith was tending to.

Possesses a Mysterious Ability

It is said that Shinra has assigned Tseng and the Turks to keep a close eye on Aerith since she has the ability to hear the voice of the planet, and they have been doing so ever since she was a child.

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