Crisis Core: Reunion

Who is Lazard? | Lazard Profile and Voice Actor

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Lazard is a character you will encounter in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion. Read on to learn more about Lazard's voice actor, backstory, characteristics, and more.

Lazard Backstory and Profile

Crisis Core Reunion - Lazard Character Profile

Name Lazard Deusericus
Voice Actor EN: Francis Ausley
JP: Junpei Morita
Position Director of SOLDIER

Although Lazard is the Director of SOLDIER is not a fighter himself, he is trusted as an understanding supervisor who keeps the operatives in line. Lazard has achieved this position at a young age, but his past remains mysterious.

Lazard Characteristics and Role

Leader of the Famous SOLDIERS

Lazard is the head of the SOLDIER division of Shinra. As mentioned, he has no combat ability, but he is trusted by the soldiers.

At first glance, he seems to be an ideal boss. However, his mysterious past and his hidden agendas make him suspicious.

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