Crisis Core: Reunion

How to Beat Guard Scorpion: Boss Fight Strategy Guide

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Guard Scorpion is a boss fight found in Chapter 6 of Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion. Read on to check out Guard Scorpion's stats and weaknesses, how to beat it, and their attack patterns here!

Guard Scorpion Guides
Weakness & Drops Boss Guide

Guard Scorpion Boss Details

Guard Scorpion Boss Stats

Normal Hard
HP 52180 182630
MP 0 0
SP 1
Gil 333

Guard Scorpion Weakness and Resistances

Fire Ice Thunder
- - -

Guard Scorpion Locations

Missions Enemy Attack Preparation

You can encounter Guard Scorpion from the missions listed above, or from Chapter 6: Protect Your Honor.

Dropped and Stealable Items

Drops Bulletproof Vest
Shinra Alpha Rare
Stealable Items Shinra Alpha
Shinra Beta

How to Beat Guard Scorpion

Circle Towards the Back at All Times Like with Guard Spider

Guard Scorpion Prototype moves similar to the Guard Spider you battle in Banora Village in Chapter 2. Like the Guard Spider's attacks, Guard Scorpion attacks slowly. Dodge its attacks until you reach its back to deal Critical Hits. Use your Thunder Materia to deal even more damage.

Guard Spider Boss Fight Strategy Guide

Guard EM Field Instead of Dodge

Guard Scorpion has an EM Field attack that is a dome-shaped lightning attack with a large AoE. Even if you successfully dodge, you may still take considerable damage as EM Field affects the area surrounding Guard Scorpion. Guard the attack instead to reduce damage.

Special Attack Comes After Target Search

The Guard Scorpion's special attack always comes after them move, Target Search. Avoid its target until it pauses, and use this moment to attack with powerful moves.

Guard Scorpion Attack Patterns

Attack Pattern Description
Type-97 Cannon A phyiscal attack that fires cannons directed at Zack.
EM Field Generates a dome-shaped lightning attack with a large AoE around the Guard Scorpion.
Target Search Preliminary move that is done before Tail Laser.
Tail Laser Guard Scorpion's special attack that deals considerable physical damage to Zack and cannot be blocked.

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