Crisis Core: Reunion

Chapter 2: Betrayal? Quest Walkthrough

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Betrayal? is the second chapter of Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion's main story. Read on for a detailed walkthrough that includes rewards, maps, tips for completion, and more!

Previous Quest Next Quest
Embrace Your Dreams Monster

Quest Objectives

1 Head to Sector 8
2 Return to the briefing room to meet up with Tseng
3 Search Banora village for information about Angeal
Glowing Spots around Banora Village
How to Beat Guard Spider
4 Regroup with Tseng and get into the factory
5 Rush to Angeal's home within the time limit
Bomb-Cutting Mini-Game Guide
6 Defeat Bahamut
How to Beat Bahamut
7 Escape Banora village

Maps and Rewards

Shinra Building

Briefing Room
Materia Room
Training Room

Shinra Building: Soldier Floors

Soldier Floor 1
Soldier Floor 2


Sector 8: Fountain
Sector 1: Station
Loveless Ave.

Banora Village

Apple Orchard
Banora Village
Angeal's House

Items Obtain From Chests

Apple Orchard
1 X-Potion X-Potion 2 -
Banora Village
1 Hi-Potion Hi-Potion 2 Remedy Remedy
3 Hi-Potion Hi-Potion 4 MP Up MP Up
Angeal's House
1 5 Gil 2 -

Tips and Strategies

Locate All Glowing Spots

Be on the lookout for glowing spots all over Banora Village. These will spawn immediately upon arriving at the village. Interact with all five spots to receive the Banora Treasures trophy.

Items Collected
Ether Ether Soma Soma
X-Potion X-Potion Elixir Elixir
Phoenix Down Phoenix Down

Avoid the Houses Around Angeal's House

Enemies spawn when you interact with the doors of other houses around Angeal's House. These mobs don't drop anything or provide any significant advantage, so feel free to head straight for Angeal's house.

Destroy As Many Bombs As Possible

A Bomb cutting mini-game begins once you exit the factory after confronting Genesis. Each bomb players successfully cut increases the time limit they have to return to Angeal's House. Players will also gain gil depending on how many bombs were cut as well.

Chapter 2 Boss Guides

Guard Spider Stats and Drops

Guard Spider HP MP SP
Fire Res. Ice Res. Thunder Res.
- - Weak
Hi-Potion (Rare)
Stealable Items
Bulletproof Vest (Rare)

Red numbers only apply when playing Crisis Core on Hard.

Circle Towards the Back at All Times

Guard Spiders rotate very slowly. Use this to get behind it and attack safely throughout the fight. Most of its attacks can be avoided this way, with the exception of Electromagnetic Field. Stay away immediately once you see Guard Spider cast this spell.

How to Beat Guard Spider: Boss Fight Strategy Guide

Bahamut Stats and Drops

Bahamut (Story) HP MP SP
(424 )
Fire Res. Ice Res. Thunder Res.
- - -
Force Bracelet (Rare)
Stealable Items
Hi-Potion (Rare)

Red numbers only apply when playing Crisis Core on Hard.

Use Magic Materia

Bahamut constantly hops around the area, staying out of melee range most of the time. Bridge the gap and maintain the DPS by using magic materia for the fight.

How to Beat Bahamut: Boss Fight Strategy Guide

Chapter 2 Missions

Mission Rewards
A New Threat
An Item for Fusion
Ancient and Hidden
Anti-Shira Base
Anti-SOLDIER Monsters
Anti-SOLDIER Weapons
Armed Challenge
Arms Development Dept.
ATK Mako Stone
Before They Regroup
Buried in the Caverns
Buried in the Plains
Challenge from Security
City Planning Dept.
Closed Coal Mines
Crescent Unit Annihilation
Crush the Crescent Unit
Death Wish for Zack
Desert Island Delights
Desert Island Surprises
Experiment No. 101
Fire Fire
Find the Tonberry!
Foes in the Corel Mines
Foes inside the Shinra Building
Getting Serious
Hiding in the Wasteland
HP Mako Stone
In the Closed Coal Mines
In the Depths of the Caverns
In the Secret Facility
Item in the Caverns
Item in the Coal Mines
Items in the Coal Mines II
Items in the Plains
Items in the Wasteland
Last Challenge
Last of the Wutai
LCK Mako Stone
MAG Mako Stone
March into Wutai
Master Tonberry
Monsters in the Caverns
Neutralize the Commander
Pursue the Deserters
Libra Libra
Rematch with Ifrit
Remnants in the Slums
Scavenger Hunt
Jump Jump
Science Department
Search for Wutai Remnants
Second Challenge
Secret in the Caverns
Secret on the Plains
Security Department
Space Development Dept.
SPR Mako Stone
Stop the Intruders
Stubborn Wutai Remnants
The Don's Second Secret
The Don's Secret
The Don's Twilight
The Five Saints of Wutai
The Melancholy Don
The Reporting Department
Third Challenge
Tonberries Everywhere
VIT Mako Stone
Wutai in the Slums
Wutai Remnants in the Slums
Wutai Suppression
Wutai Units Found
Elixir Elixir

List of All Missions

Chapter 2 Enemies

Enemy HP Weakness
Bahamut (Story)
11740 None
Blood Taste
914 None
G Assassin
720 None
Guard Hound
491 None
Guard Spider
7225 Thunder
Heli Gunner
1850 Thunder

List of All Enemies & Monsters

Crisis Core: Reunion Related Guides

Crisis Core - Story Walkthrough
Complete Story Walkthrough: All Chapters

Ch. Story Quest Ch. Story Quest
0 Prologue 5 Where Are You?
1 Embrace Your Dreams 6 Protect Your Honor
2 Betrayal? 7 Departure
3 Monster 8 See You Soon
4 An Angel's Dream 9 Escape the Nightmare
10 Heroes


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