Crisis Core: Reunion

Battle System Guide

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Crisis Core Reunion - Battle System Guide Top Banner

Master the basics of the battle system and learn all the techniques needed for combat in Crisis Core Reunion. Read on to learn what is the Battle Screen Layout, what are Basic Battle Controls, How to Dodge, and more!

Battle Screen Layout

1 Remaining SP Gain SP or Solder Points by defeating enemies or converting Materia to SP. You consume SP when you spin the DMW
2 DMW DMW or Digital Mind Wave that acts as the Limit Break. It grants you a special effect in battle depending on the symbols and numbers that appear after it spins.
DMW System Explained
3 HP, MP, AP bars Displays your Health (HP), Magic points (MP), and Action points (AP), which is mainly used for blocking, dodging, and more.
4 Command List Displays the items, materia, and magic you can use during battle.

Basic Battle Controls

Movement and Action Dodge and Block Materia Shortcuts

Movement and Actions

Controls Effect
NSW - Left Analog Move Character or Select
NSW - Right Analog Move Camera View
NSW - Right Analog Click Lock on Target/Release target lock
NSW - L + NSW - Right Analog
Switch between Targets
NSW - Y Attack

All Controls and Button Mapping

The following controls are for the Nintendo Switch and may vary depending on your platform.

How to Dodge and Block

Controls Effect
NSW - B Dodge Enemy Attacks
NSW - R Block or Guard Against Enemy Attacks

The following controls are for the Nintendo Switch and may vary depending on your platform.

Dodging and Blocking are essential when defending yourself from enemy attacks, as it saves you from receiving unnecessary damage on your HP and raises your survival in battle.

Timing is Essential

Make sure to time your dodge or block perfectly for it to be effective. Click the dodge or guard buttons just before the enemy attack lands on you. Doing so too early or too late will result in leaving you more vulnerable to the attack.

The Direction of the Dodge Matters

The direction of your dodge also determines if you can fully avoid an attack. If an enemy attacks vertically, you must dodge horizontally to perform a perfect dodge, and vice versa for a horizontal attack.

Materia Shortcuts

Controls Effect
NSW - L + NSW - Y
Use Materia in slot 1
NSW - L + NSW - X
Use Materia in slot 2
NSW - L + NSW - A
Use Materia in slot 3
NSW - L + NSW - B
Use Materia in slot 4
NSW - L + NSW - R
Use Materia in slot 5
NSW - L + NSW - zR
Use Materia in slot 6

The following controls are for the Nintendo Switch and may vary depending on your platform.

Using equipped Materia will simply depend on the slot in which the materia is set through Equipment in the main menu. Materia that cannot be used in battle will not be displayed as a command option.

Combat and Battle Tips

Combat and Battle Tips

Master magic attacks and abilities

Magic ・Consumes MP when used
・Damage is based on the Magic stat
・Used for attacks, recovery, and status ailments infliction.
・Can be used long-range
Abilities ・Consumes AP when used
・ Damage is mostly based on the Strength stat
・Used for attacks, inflicting status ailments, and stealing
・Mostly close-range

You can use Magic and Abilities in Crisis Core Reunion, depending on the materia. Using magic and abilities for its ranged attacks and inflicting status ailments will grant you the advantage in battle.

Use Normal Attacks with Command Materia

If you press the normal attack button repeatedly, attacks will occur to up to 4 times in a row, with each attack getting stronger than the last. Connecting this combo with Command Materia without stopping will create powerful combos. Critical hits will show red damage points.

Combine Normal Attacks with Magic

This combo is very helpful for both offense and defense. By using magic right after a series of normal attacks, Zack will automatically evade and dodge backwards while shooting out magic towards an enemy. This technique allows Zack to move to safer territory while still dealing damage.

Utilize Zack's Battle Stance

As you progress through the story, Zack will learn the ability called: Battle Stance. This ability allows Zack to change his stance to a defensive while boosting the impact of his attacks.

The more Zack attacks, the more powerful his hits will be. This makes this ability ideal for attacks with multiple blows, so we recommend using it often with consecutive normal attacks.

Prioritize recovery when HP is low

Once your HP is low and less than half it's total amount, prioritize recovering your HP before anything else. Recovery can be done through the use of items and materia.

Know when to block and dodge

Guard ・Significantly reduces damage when done successfully
・Nullifies status ailments
・Cannot guard attacks from behind, attacks with a fixed amount of damage, or with special effects from boss attacks
Dodge ・Can be used to cancel other movements
・Invincible for a short period of time

Zack's defensive moves are Guard and Dodge. Both actions can be used unlimitedly, but dodging has a split second recovery where you're susceptible to attacks. Guarding is ideal against weaker enemies or if you missed the dodge window to lesson the blow of their attacks.

Go all out when the Ability Gauge appears

Crisis Core Reunion - Ability Gauge

Some enemies use special abilities during battle, and an Ability Gauge will appear once these abilities are activated. You can cancel the enemy's attacks and ability by reducing this gauge through attacking it, so we recommend you going all out as soon as you see the Ability Gauge.

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