Crisis Core: Reunion

All Independent Materia

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Independent Materia modifies Zack's stats or the DMW in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion. Check here for All Independent Materia and their effects.

All Independent Materia

Independent Materia & Effects

Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Independent MateriaHP Up Effect
Small boost to max HP
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Independent MateriaHP Up+ Effect
Moderately boosts max HP
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Independent MateriaHP Up++ Effect
Greatly boosts max HP
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Independent MateriaMP Up Effect
Small boost to max MP
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Independent MateriaMP Up+ Effect
Moderately boosts max MP
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Independent MateriaMP Up++ Effect
Greatly boosts max MP
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Independent MateriaAP Up Effect
Small boost to max AP
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Independent MateriaAP Up+ Effect
Moderately boosts max AP
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Independent MateriaAP Up++ Effect
Greatly boosts max AP
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Independent MateriaATK Up Effect
Small boost to ATk
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Independent MateriaATK Up+ Effect
Moderately boosts ATK
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Independent MateriaATK Up++ Effect
Greatly boosts ATK
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Independent MateriaVIT Up Effect
Small boost to VIT
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Independent MateriaVIT Up+ Effect
Moderately boosts VIT
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Independent MateriaVIT Up++ Effect
Greatly boosts VIT
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Independent MateriaMAG Up Effect
Small boost to MAG
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Independent MateriaMAG Up+ Effect
Moderately boosts MAG
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Independent MateriaMAG Up++ Effect
Greatly boosts MAG
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Independent MateriaSPR Up Effect
Small boost to SPR
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Independent MateriaSPR Up+ Effect
Moderately boosts SPR
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Independent MateriaSPR Up++ Effect
Greatly boosts SPR
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Independent MateriaDash Effect
Replaces block with a dash when pressing △ in combat.
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Independent MateriaDualcast Effect
Uses Magic Materia twice. MP expended twice.
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Independent MateriaSmart Consumer Effect
Increases the effectiveness of healing items in battle.
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Independent MateriaOctaslash Effect
Increases the chances of Sephiroth appearance on the DMW
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Independent MateriaRush Assault Effect
Increases the chances of Angeal appearance on the DMW
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Independent MateriaAir Strike Effect
Increases the chance of Tseng appearance on the DMW
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Independent MateriaMeteor Shots Effect
Increases the chance of Cloud appearance on the DMW
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Independent MateriaHealing Wave Effect
Increases the chances of Aerith appearance on the DMW
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Independent MateriaLucky Stars Effect
Increases the chance of Cissnei appearance on the DMW
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Independent MateriaApocalypse Effect
Increases the chance of Genesis appearance on the DMW
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Independent MateriaHellfire Effect
Increases the chance of Ifrit appearance on the DMW
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Independent MateriaMegaflare Effect
Increases the chance of Bahamut appearance on the DMW
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Independent MateriaZantetsuken Effect
Increases the chance of Odin appearance on the DMW
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Independent MateriaRebirth Flame Effect
Increases the chance of Phoenix appearance on the DMW
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Independent MateriaExaflare Effect
Increases the chance of Bahamut Fury appearance on the DMW
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Independent MateriaChocobo Stomp Effect
Increases the chance of Chocobo appearance on the DMW
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Independent Materia1000 Needles Effect
Increases the chance Cactuar appearance on the DMW
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Independent MateriaMurderous Thrust Effect
Increases the chance of Tonberry appearance on the DMW
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Independent MateriaCourage Boost! Effect
Increases the chance of Cait Sith appearance on the DMW
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Independent MateriaMoogle Power Effect
Increases the chance of Moogle appearance on the DMW
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Independent MateriaItem Mugger Effect
Increases the chance of Magic Pot appearance on the DMW
Stat Buffed

What are Independent Materia

Independent Materia are a subset of Materia that offer unique effects that Zack can find throughout his journey. They have a variety of effects like giving Zack boosted AP, enhancing item effectiveness, and even Increases the chances of Sephiroth to show on the DMW. Check below for the full list of available Materia in Crisis Core Reunion!

Crisis Core: Reunion Related Guides

FFVII Crisis Core Reunion - Materia Partial Banner

All Crisis Core Reunion Materia

Materia Subsets
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Magic Materia IconMagic Materia Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Command MateriaCommand Materia
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Support MateriaSupport Materia Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Independent MateriaIndependent Materia


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