Crisis Core: Reunion

How to Beat Angeal Penance: Boss Fight Strategy Guide

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Crisis Core - Angeal Penance
Angeal Penance is a boss fight found in Chapter 5 of Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion. Read on to check out Angeal Penance's stats and weaknesses, how to beat it, and their attack patterns here!

Angeal Penance Guides
Weakness & Drops Boss Guide

Angeal Penance Story Details

Angeal Penance (Story) Boss Stats

Normal Hard
HP 31800 101760
MP 544 544
SP 3000
Gil 4000

Angeal Penance (Story) Weakness and Resistances

Fire Ice Thunder
Weak Weak -

Angeal Penance (Story) Locations

Missions Where Are You?
・Bathhouse - 2nd Floor Hall

Dropped and Stealable Items

Drops Lightning Armlet
Stealable Items Bronze Armlet

Angeal Penance Mission Details

Angeal Penance (Mission) Boss Stats

HP 27800
MP 544
SP 468
Gil 0

Angeal Penance (Mission) Weakness and Resistances

Fire Ice Thunder
Weak Weak -

Angeal Penance (Mission) Locations

Missions Experiment No. 106

Dropped and Stealable Items

Drops Hi-Potion
Lightning Armlet
Stealable Items Bronze Armlet

How to Beat Angeal Penance

Use Fire and Ice Attacks

Angeal Penance is vulnerable to Fire and Ice Attacks. Use them to your advantage to clear the fight as fast as possible.

Equip Lightning Resistance Gear

Angeal Penance tends to proc Thunder of Envy whenever you are positioned behind him. Mitigate its damage by equipping accessories that provide lightning resistance before the fight.

Minimize Physical Attacks During Defense of Lust

Most of Angeal Penance's attacks are dealt in wide areas along its front. Strike from the flank and rear if you want to deal physical damage effectively.

Additionally, Defense of Lust significantly reduce physical damage dealt to Angeal Penance during it's uptime. Prioritize Magic damage whenever he glows purple!

Angeal Penance Attack Patterns

Attack Pattern Description
Defense of Lust Angeal Penance hardens his body, significantly reducing all physical damage taken.
Thunder of Envy Angeal Penance shoots lightning bolts directly behind him, damaging anyone caught within the cone of attack. This is usually done whenever players are positioned behind Angeal for at least 2 seconds.
Energy Angeal Penance launches a single red bolt that hones towards the target. The bolt travels fast, so guarding is recommended.
Double Spear Swipe Lateral swipes with the spear from each side. Usually changed with other attacks in quick succession.
Wings of Pride Angeal Penance summons feathers that hone towards the player. These can be easily dodged when players aren't too close to Angeal prior to casting.
Charge of Greed Angeal Penance closes the distance towards its target, dealing three procs of damage along the way. This is usually followed-up by Double Spear Swipes.
End of Gluttony Angeal Penance spawns earthquakes that restore his HP based on the damage dealt to players.
Unleashed Wrath Angeal Penance opens its gut, releasing beams of light towards the player and can deal massive damage if Angeal Penance's AP bar isn't chipped low enough.

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