Crisis Core: Reunion

All Command Materia

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Command Materia allows Zack to use skills to augment damage during battle in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion. Check here for All Command Materia and their effects.

All Command Materia

Command Materia & Effects

Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Command MateriaDarkness Effect
Deals damage at the cost of HP.
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Command MateriaJump Effect
Zack jumps into the air then lands with an AoE attack.
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Command MateriaHigh Jump Effect
Zack jumps into the air then lands with an AoE attack.
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Command MateriaPoison Aerial Effect
Zack jumps into the air then lands with an AoE attack that inflicts Poison.
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Command MateriaSilence Aerial Effect
Zack jumps into the air then lands with an AoE attack that inflicts Silence.
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Command MateriaDeath Jump Effect
Zack jumps into the air then lands with an AoE attack that inflicts Death.
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Command MateriaAssault Twister Effect
Deals damage in an AoE
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Command MateriaAssault Twister+ Effect
Deals damage in an AoE
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Command MateriaPoison Twister Effect
Deals damage and inflicts Death in an AoE
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Command MateriaStop Twister Effect
Deals damage and inflicts Death in an AoE
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Command MateriaDeath Twister Effect
Deals damage and inflicts Death in an AoE
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Command MateriaPower Attack Effect
Deals damage and inflicts Stun on the target
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Command MateriaVital Slash Effect
Deals critical damage to the target.
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Command MateriaExploder Blade Effect
Deals damage with an exploding slash.
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Command MateriaBlast Wave Effect
Deals damage with a chance to eject (instant KO) the target.
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Command MateriaPoison Blade Effect
Deals damage and inflicts Poison
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Command MateriaSilence Blade Effect
Deals damage and inflicts Silence
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Command MateriaStop Blade Effect
Deals damage and inflicts Stop.
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Command MateriaDeath Blade Effect
Deals damage and inflicts Death.
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Command MateriaDispel Blade Effect
Deals damage and inflicts Dispel.
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Command MateriaFire Blade Effect
Deals fire damage to the target.
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Command MateriaBlizzard Blade Effect
Deals ice damage to the target.
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Command MateriaThunder Blade Effect
Deals thunder damage to the target.
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Command MateriaFira Blade Effect
Deals fire damage to the target.
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Command MateriaBlizzara Blade Effect
Deals ice damage to the target.
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Command MateriaThundara Blade Effect
Deals thunder damage to the target.
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Command MateriaFiraga Blade Effect
Deals fire damage to the target.
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Command MateriaBlizzaga Blade Effect
Deals ice damage to the target.
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Command MateriaThundaga Blade Effect
Deals thunder damage to the target.
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Command MateriaDrain Blade Effect
Recovers HP proportional to the damage dealt to the target.
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Command MateriaPower Drain Effect
Drains HP from the target. Inflicts stun.
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Command MateriaAerial Drain Effect
Zack jumps into the air then lands with an HP draining AoE attack.
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Command MateriaOsmose Blade Effect
Drains MP from the target.
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Command MateriaPower Osmose Effect
Drains MP from the target. Inflicts stun.
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Command MateriaSteal Effect
Steals an item from the target.
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Command MateriaMug Effect
Steals an item while dealing damage to the target.
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Command MateriaGil Toss Effect
Deals damage at the cost of Gil.
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Command MateriaGoblin Punch Effect
Deals damage to the target.
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Command MateriaIron Fist Effect
Ignores target's VIT and deals damage
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Command MateriaMagical Punch Effect
Ignores target's VIT and deals damage at the cost of AP. Damage increases as MP increases.
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Command MateriaHammer Punch Effect
Ignores target's VIT and deals damage at the cost of AP. Damage increases as Zack's AP increases.
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Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Command MateriaCostly Punch Effect
Ignores target's VIT and deals damage at the cost of HP. Damage increases as Zack's HP decreases.
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What are Command Materia

Command Materia are a subset of Materia that are equippable skills that Zack can find throughout his journey. They are a variety of skills that allow Zack to jump and land an AoE attack, inflict status ailments on enemies, and even perform exploding slashes. Check below for the full list of available Materia in Crisis Core Reunion!

Crisis Core: Reunion Related Guides

FFVII Crisis Core Reunion - Materia Partial Banner

All Crisis Core Reunion Materia

Materia Subsets
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Magic Materia IconMagic Materia Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Command MateriaCommand Materia
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Support MateriaSupport Materia Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Independent MateriaIndependent Materia


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