Crisis Core: Reunion

Who is Hojo? | Hojo Profile and Voice Actor

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Hojo is a character you will encounter in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion. Read on to learn more about Hojo's voice actor, backstory, characteristics, and more.

Hojo Backstory and Profile

Crisis Core Reunion - Hojo Character Profile

Name Professor Hojo
Voice Actor EN: James Sie
JP: Shigeru Chiba
Position Head of Shinra's Science Department

Hojo is the current head of Shinra's Science Department. He was also the lead scientist of the Jenova Project and closely involved in the research that led to the creation of SOLDIER.

He continues to engage in unethical human experimentation.

Hojo Characteristics and Role

Unethical Scientist & Took Hollander's Place


Professor Hojo became the head of Shinra's Science Department after defeating Hollander in a power struggle. He develops various biological weapons, without a care for ethics or morals.

If it’s for the sake of his work, he won’t hesitate to take a human life for his experiments. He even performed special surgery on soldiers, increasing their physical power and succeeded in giving birth to SOLDIERs.

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