Crisis Core: Reunion

Who is Cissnei? | Cissnei Profile and Voice Actor

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Cissnei is a character you will encounter in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion. Read on to learn more about Cissnei's voice actor, backstory, characteristics, and more.

Cissnei Backstory and Profile

Crisis Core Reunion - Cissnei Character Profile

Name Cissnei
Voice Actor EN: Kayli Mills
JP: Asumi Nakata
Position Turk

Cissnei is the youngest person to ever join the Turks. Because of her upbringing in an orphanage, she finds herself unable to leave troubled people alone.

Her Real Name Has Not Been Revealed

Due to the nature of her work as a Turk and her upbringing, Cissnei's real name is unknown.

Cissnei Characteristics and Role

Talented Turk Raised by Shinra

Cissnei was discovered by Shinra while she was still in an orphanage for her natural talent and raised her to become a Turk. She is the youngest person to ever join the Turks.

Cissnei was taught that everyone other than herself is her enemy, but her belief for this changes when she meets Zack.

Cissnei DMW and Effect

Lucky Stars

Lucky Stars is a Digital Mind Wave (DMW) Limit Break skill which gives the Critical status making all attacks critical hits for a period of time and raises the level of the limit gauge.

Lucky Stars: Effects, Progression, and How to Unlock

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