Crisis Core: Reunion

Who is Tseng? | Tseng Profile and Voice Actor

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Tseng is a character you will encounter in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion. Read on to learn more about Tseng's voice actor, backstory, characteristics, and more.

Tseng Backstory and Profile

Crisis Core Reunion - Tseng Character Profile

Name Tseng
Voice Actor EN: Vic Chao
JP: Junichi Suwabe
Position Vice Director of the Turks

Tseng works for Shinra as the Vice Director for the Investigation Sector of the General Affairs Department - also known as Turks.

He has a cool demeanor and isn’t one to show much emotion, but through his assignments, he and Zack develop a relationship of trust that is akin to friendship.

Tseng Characteristics and Role

Leader of the Turks and Tasked to Watch Aerith

Tseng takes his job seriously to the point that he becomes temperamental at times. Despite instances where he is seen as ruthless and loyal to Shinra to the core, he still maintains a hidden devotion to people with whom he is close.

Tseng was also tasked together with the Turks to keep an eye on Aerith for her mysterious ability, and has been keeping an eye on her ever since she moved to the Midgar slums.

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