Crisis Core: Reunion

Chapter 5: Where Are You? Quest Walkthrough

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Where Are You? is the fifth chapter of Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion's main story. Read on for a detailed walkthrough that includes rewards, maps, tips for completion, and more!

Previous Quest Next Quest
An Angel's Dream Protect Your Honor

Quest Objectives

Shinra Building and Sector 5 - Slums

1 Go to the briefing room supply pod to acquire Fira
2 Go to Sector 5 - Church
▹Zack can go there right away or do some side-quests first.
3 Leave for the Mako Excavation Facility with Tseng and other Shinra soldiers.

Modeo Ravine and Mako Excavation Facility

1 After the helicopter crashes, Zack and company must finish the travel on foot by traversing Modeo Ravine. Here, you will meet one of the Shinra soldiers, Cloud. This meeting will unlock Cloud's DMW Limit Break, Meteor Shots.
2 Infiltrate the facility
3 Defeat Genesis


1 Look for Tseng and Cloud. Run up ahead and enter the bathhouse at the end of the street
2 Defeat the A-Griffon that will appear. Afterwards, go deeper into the bathhouse until you see Cloud and Tseng lying down.
3 Defeat Angeal Penance

Maps and Rewards


Sector 8
Sector 5 Market
Sector 5 Street
Sector 5 Park

Modeo Ravine

East Ravine
Southeast Ravine
Northern Ravine
Mako Excavation Facility

Modeo Ravine Chests

Modeo Ravine Southeast
1 Gris-Gris Bag Gris-Gris Bag
Modeo Ravine North
1 Power Attack Power Attack 2 Stop Stop
3 Death Death 4 Sprint Shoes Sprint Shoes
5 Pearl Necklace Pearl Necklace
Mako Excavation Facility
1 X-Potion X-Potion


Bathhouse Entrance

Bathhouse Interior

2nd Floor
2nd Floor Hall

Modeoheim Chests

1 3000 Gil 2 MP Up MP Up
1 Blizzara Blizzara
Bathhouse Entrance
1 Hi-Potion Hi-Potion 2 Ether Ether
Bathhouse Interior
1 Ether Ether 2 Dispel Dispel
Bathhouse 2F
1 Force Bracelet Force Bracelet
(under the stairs)

Tips and Strategies

Midgar Side Quests

The Training Room Squat Minigame

Head to the training room and talk to the researcher at the end of the room. He will test Zack's physical ability by measuring how many squats Zack can do in a minute. To add to the challenge, Zack will be facing off with Shinra Infantrymen and SOLDIERS.

Beat them all to get the materials for the Shinra Lunch Cart flower wagon for Aerith.

Quads of Steel! Walkthrough

Wutai Spies in Midgar!

Go to LOVELESS Avenue and talk to the SOLDIER 2nd Class there. He will inform Zack about the Wutai spies that have infiltrated Midgar and will ask for Zack's help to uncover all six spies. To uncover a spy, speak to them three times.

After completing this quest, talk to the SOLDIER 2nd Class again to receive Walnut Wood for the Cute Flower Wagon.

Find the Wutai Spies! Walkthrough

Do Not Get Caught Infiltrating!

There are five chest in the area. Zack can open it all, provided he doesn't get detected by the guards. If he does, they will engage in combat while also taking the contents of the chests one by one. Below is the recommended route to take.

Recommended Route
1 Wait for the guard to pass. Then, move in and go to the left.
2 Open the chest at the end of the area then run back and wait by the blue boxes.
Chest Item: Power Attack
3 Wait for the guard to stop then quickly run up to the left to open the chest.
Chest Item: Stop
4 Wait until the soldiers get clear of your path towards the bottom right of the area.
5 From there, Zack should be clear to open all remaining chests that he will encounter along the way.
Chests Items: Death, Sprint Shoes, Pearl Necklace

With the area being freezingly cold, Zack also needs to keep his body temperature above 26.0 degrees Celsius. To do this, he needs to do squats by pressing the button. So stay warm and sneaky!

Listen to All 23 Voicemails

At the bathhouse entrance, there is a telephone with a blinking red light. These are unread voicemails and Zack can listen to all 23 to get a certain package hidden in the bathhouse!

Listen to 23 Voicemails
Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Listen to All 23 Voicemails.png
This area indicates the location of the telephone in the wall where you can listen to 23 voicemails
After reading all of the voicemail, this mark is where the item will be located
Item: Power Wrist

Boiler Handle Location

There are items inside the bathhouse that you can not get unless you turn down the heat (or steam)! Use the Boiler Handle Zack can find by the entrance to make it easier to get these items!

Boiler Handle Location
By a debris left of the bathhouse entrance. Keep your eye out; this item is easy to miss!
Terminal Location and Hidden Item Public Bath Item
= After turning the handle, go to one of the boilers and retrieve the item inside
Item: Lightning Armlet
The chest marked ② is accessible after using the boiler handle.
Item: Dispel

Chapter 5 Boss Guides

Genesis Stats and Drops

Genesis (First Encounter) HP MP SP
Fire Res. Ice Res. Thunder Res.
- - -
Stealable Items
Elixir x2 (Rare)

Red numbers only apply when playing Crisis Core on Hard.

Use Graviga and Firaga

Deal significant damage to Genesis by casting Graviga and Firaga as much as possible while dodging his swift sword attacks. Keep an eye on you MP and HP levels while doing this method. As a last resort, or when he casts Magic Defense, go behind him and slash away!

How to Beat Genesis (First Encounter): Boss Fight Strategy Guide

Angeal Penance Stats and Drops

Angeal Penance (Story) HP MP SP
(544 )
Fire Res. Ice Res. Thunder Res.
Weak Weak -
Lightning Armlet
Stealable Items
Bronze Armlet

Red numbers only apply when playing Crisis Core on Hard.

Get Behind Angeal Penance to Deal Damage

You know the drill; get those critical damage in by attacking from the back! Be sure to dodge Angeal Penance's attacks and always have your Healing Materias ready. You can also equip Firaga for additional damage. Just keep an eye on your MP!

How to Beat Angeal Penance: Boss Fight Strategy Guide

Chapter 5 Missions

Mission Rewards
A Director's Request
Better Death Machines
Defeat the Scout Units
Destroy the Mobile Artillery
Experiment No. 104
Drain Drain
Experiments Gone Wrong
Final Versions of the Spider
Foes in the Wutai Base
Highway Closed
Ingredient for Soma
Elixir Elixir
Making Phoenix Down
Mako Excavation Site
Midgar Defense Operations
Mobile Units
New Mechanical Weapons
Cura Cura
Next-Generation Weapons
Obliterate Advance Elements
Robots in the City
Shinra Machines Unit
Slum Development Plan 1
Slum Development Plan 2
Slums of Midgar
Special Ops Weapons
Special Ops Weapons Return
Stolen Shira Weapons
Stop the Assailants
Tarantula Test
Energy Energy
Testing New Weapons
The Enemy's Stronghold
Death Death
To Quash Genesis's Forces
Truth in the Wasteland
Underground City
Urban Combat Operations
Weapons Comparison Test

List of All Missions

Chapter 5 Enemies

Enemy HP Weakness
9850 None
Angeal Penance (Mission)
27800 Fire
Bizzare Bug
1120 None
G Attacker
1680 None
G Battler
8300 None
G Smasher
8800 None
Genesis (First Encounter)
14800 None
3480 None

List of All Enemies & Monsters

Crisis Core: Reunion Related Guides

Crisis Core - Story Walkthrough
Complete Story Walkthrough: All Chapters

Ch. Story Quest Ch. Story Quest
0 Prologue 5 Where Are You?
1 Embrace Your Dreams 6 Protect Your Honor
2 Betrayal? 7 Departure
3 Monster 8 See You Soon
4 An Angel's Dream 9 Escape the Nightmare
10 Heroes


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