Crisis Core: Reunion

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There are plenty of returning faces coming back to Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion. Read on to learn more about all of the characters you can encounter and add to your party.

List of Crisis Core: Reunion Characters

SOLDIER 1st Class
Crisis Core Reunion - Zack IconZack Crisis Core Reunion - Angeal IconAngeal Crisis Core Reunion - Sephiroth IconSephiroth Crisis Core Reunion - Genesis IconGenesis
Other Characters
Crisis Core Reunion - Aerith IconAerith Crisis Core Reunion - Yuffie IconYuffie TifaTifa
Shinra Company
Crisis Core Reunion - Cloud IconCloud TsengTseng Crisis Core Reunion - Cissnei IconCissnei Crisis Core Reunion - Lazard IconLazard
Crisis Core Reunion - Hollander IconHollander Professor HojoHojo RenoReno RudeRude


Zack Fair

Voice Actor EN: Caleb Pierce
JP: Kenichi Suzumura

Zack is the protagonist of Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion and is a cheerful, dynamic SOLDIER 2nd Class who dreams of becoming a hero.

He can sometimes act recklessly, but he has the inner strength to stand and face any difficulties in his path.

Who is Zack? | Zack Profile and Voice Actor

Angeal Hewley

Voice Actor EN: Bill Millsap
JP: Kazuhiko Inoue

Angeal is Zack’s mentor and a 1st Class SOLDIER operative. He’s a reliable, grounded man with a sense of responsibility - and trusted by all who know him.

Angeal always carries his gigantic Buster Sword on his back, but very rarely uses it. He’s also close friends with Sephiroth and Genesis.

Who is Angeal? | Angeal Profile and Voice Actor


Voice Actor EN: Tyler Hoechlin
JP:Toshiyuki Morikawa

A legendary hero and SOLDIER 1st Class, Sephiroth possesses greater strength than most operatives. He’s respected and admired around the world.

As a perfect being, he is somewhat difficult to approach - the only two people who are close to him are Angeal and Genesis.

Who is Sephiroth? | Sephiroth Profile and Voice Actor

Genesis Rhapsodos

Voice Actor EN: Shaun Conde
JP: Gackt

Genesis is a SOLDIER 1st Class with his own unique sense of style and a great deal of admiration for the epic poem LOVELESS.

He’s a childhood friend of Angeal - both come from the village Banora. Although he gets on well with his colleague Sephiroth, he also secretly harbors a strong sense of rivalry towards him.

Who is Genesis? | Genesis Profile and Voice Actor

Other Characters

Aerith Gainsborough

Voice Actor EN: Briana White
JP: Maaya Sakamoto

Aerith is a somewhat fey and mysterious girl who lives in the Sector 5 slums. Her first fateful encounter with Zack comes as she is tending to her flowers in the slum church.

Who is Aerith? | Aerith Profile and Voice Actor

Yuffie Kisaragi

Voice Actor EN: Brandilyn Cheah
JP: Kino Sakai

Yuffie is the daughter of the leader of Wutai. Even as a child, she tries to fight the invading Shinra forces and protect Wutai.

Unfortunately, she is not yet fully capable and can’t get things quite right. Ever since meeting Zack, she’s been sending him junk mail and pulling him into her treasure hunts.

Who is Yuffie? | Yuffie Profile and Voice Actor

Tifa Lockhart

Voice Actor EN: Britt Baron
JP: Ayumi Ito

Tifa is a young girl who lives in the town of Nibelheim. She’s also Cloud’s childhood friend.

Tifa is chosen to guide a Shinra investigation team, led by Zack and Sephiroth, to the Nibelheim mako reactor.

Who is Tifa? | Tifa Profile and Voice Actor

Shinra Company

Cloud Strife

Voice Actor EN: Cody Christian
JP: Takahiro Sakurai

Cloud is a rather introverted young man who joined Shinra because he aspired to be a SOLDIER operative like Sephiroth.

He’s from Nibelheim, where a mako reactor is located, and serves as an infantryman. Cloud meets Zack on one of his missions, where they become fast friends.

Who is Cloud? | Cloud Profile and Voice Actor


Voice Actor EN: Vic Chao
JP: Junichi Suwabe

Tseng works for Shinra as the Vice Director for the Investigation Sector of the General Affairs Department - also known as Turks.

He has a cool demeanor and isn’t one to show much emotion, but through his assignments, he and Zack develop a relationship of trust that is akin to friendship.

Who is Tseng? | Tseng Profile and Voice Actor


Voice Actor EN: Kayli Mills
JP: Asumi Nakata

Cissnei is the youngest person to ever join the Turks. Because of her upbringing in an orphanage, she finds herself unable to leave troubled people alone.

Who is Cissnei? | Cissnei Profile and Voice Actor

Lazard Deusericus

Voice Actor EN: Francis Ausley
JP: Junpei Morita

Although Lazard is the Director of SOLDIER is not a fighter himself, he is trusted as an understanding supervisor who keeps the operatives in line. Lazard has achieved this position at a young age, but his past remains mysterious.

Who is Lazard? | Lazard Profile and Voice Actor


Voice Actor EN: Jason Marnocha
JP: Shinya Owada

Hollander is a scientist who used to conduct important SOLDIER-related research for Shinra. However, he was defeated in a power struggle and relegated to a marginal position in the company.

He is currently being pursued due to his suspected involvement in the “mass SOLDIER desertion incident”.

Who is Hollander? | Hollander Profile and Voice Actor

Professor Hojo

Voice Actor EN: James Sie
JP: Shigeru Chiba

Director of Shinra Electric Power Company’s Research and Development Division. He develops various biological weapons, without a care for ethics or morals. If it’s for the sake of his work, he won’t hesitate to take a human life for his experiments.

Who is Hojo? | Hojo Profile and Voice Actor


Voice Actor EN: Arnie Pantoja
JP: Keiji Fujiwara

A member of the Turks―a special task force within Shinra's General Affairs Division. Reno stands out due to his fiery-red hair, sardonic grin, and cavalier attitude. Using lightning-quick movements and a specially outfitted truncheon, he toys with his opponents as he unleashes a myriad of attacks.

Who is Reno? | Reno Profile and Voice Actor


Voice Actor EN: William C. Stephens
JP: Taiten Kusunoki

A member of the Turks―a special task force within Shinra's General Affairs Division. Rude is an intimidating presence with his shaved head, sunglasses, and massive frame.

He speaks only when absolutely necessary and prefers to use his bare fists and physical prowess to subdue his enemies.

Who is Rude? | Rude Profile and Voice Actor

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