Crisis Core: Reunion

Is Crisis Core: Reunion a Remake or Remaster?

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FFVII Crisis Core Reunion - Remake or Remaster
Is Crisis Core: Reunion is a remaster that upscales the visuals of the original game. Read on to check Crisis Core: Reunion's improvements in visuals, summon animations, battle system, and many more!

Is Crisis Core: Reunion a Remake or a Remaster?

Crisis Core: Reunion is a Remaster

Crisis Core is a remaster that uses assets and elements from the original game like character animations but with vast improvements in visuals. Apart from the game's visuals, Square Enix also made changes to the Battle System and more.

Battle System Guide

All Changes & Improvements

Improved Visuals

Crisis Core (2008)

Crisis Core: Reunion

Almost every aspect of the game's graphics have been reworked to match modern Final Fantasy games and is more in line with the Final Fantasy VII Remake.

Not only are the character models and environments improved, but the UI as well.

Reworked Summon Animations

FFVII Crisis Core Reunion Summon Animation Comparison
The Summon animated cutscenes triggered by the DMW have also been dramatically improved.

Updated Battle System

FFVII Crisis Core Reunion Battle Screenshot 1
While the original Crisis Core also had a real time action-based battle system instead of the traditional turn-based style of the classic FInal Fantasy games, it was still noticeably slower than modern titles.

Zack's attacks had noticeable pauses in between, and doesn't feel as snappy as modern action RPGs.

In Reunion, they've adjusted Zack's animation, timing, and how the camera works to feel smoother and more fluid, but for the most part should still feel like like the original Crisis Core gameplay.

Reworked DMW

FFVII Crisis Core Reunion Battle Screenshot 2
In Crisis Core: Reunion the DMW is found on the corner of the screen and gives the player an option to press a button execute their limit break at any time.

Players will no longer have to sit through the roulette animation, and have the option to skip cutscenes triggered by the DMW.

In the original Crisis Core, the Digital Mind Wave (DMW) would take up the whole screen and interrupt combat when executing a move.
DMW System Explained

More Manageable Enemy Attacks

Crisis Core: Reunion now gives you a way to mitigate powerful enemy attacks with a new Ability gauge. Attacking the enemy reduces this gauge. The attack will do less damage to Zack the lower it gets.

You also have the chance to cancel the attack entirely if you reduce the bar to zero!

Fully Voiced

FFVII Crisis Core Reunion - Zack and Aerith
In the original Crisis Core, only certain important custcenes had voice acting with most of the dialogue presented through text. In Reunion, the entire game is fully voiced, including all cutscenes, side quests, and more.
Full Voice Cast and Actors

New Music Arrangements

Fans of the original soundtrack will be excited to know that the tracks will have new arrangements for Reunion. The music of Crisis Core gave emotion and depth to its important cutscenes and battles, and it will be exciting to find out how it sounds in Reunion!

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