Crisis Core: Reunion

Crisis Core: Reunion vs. Original: All Changes, Differences and New Features

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Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion includes several updates and quality of life changes from the original. Read on and see all of the new features, such as visual and audio upgrades, gameplay changes, and combat features!

Crisis Core: Reunion vs. Original: New Features in Crisis Core Reunion

Checkmark New Features: Smoother Gameplay Mechanics

Checkmark Combat Features: Ability Bonus, Guard Stance, & more!

Checkmark Visual Changes: New HD Graphics

Checkmark Audio Changes: Voice Acting & Remastered Soundtrack

Quality of Life Changes and New Features

Improved Camera Controls

In the original Crisis Core, you could not adjust or rotate the camera. Crisis Core Reunion added that feature for you to look at things in a different perspective.

Travel Faster with Sprinting

You can now sprint from one push of a button to travel faster in cities, towns, and during missions.

Destination Markers

Lost on where to go next? You can look at the mark on your map as your guide on what to do next in Crisis Core Reunion, thanks to the addition of map markers and objectives.

Hard Mode Difficulty

Changing Difficulties

Crisis Core Reunion features the addition of a Hard Mode difficulty setting for players who want an extra challenge playing through the game. You can switch from Normal to Hard difficulty and vice versa in the Option menu.

Difficulty Differences: Normal vs Hard Mode

New Main Menu Design

Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Before Level Farming.png

The Main Menu for Crisis Core Reunion was remastered to match the aesthetic of the Final Fantasy VII Remake menu.

DMW Limit Break Changes

In the original Crisis Core, if you managed to match all three images, you will instantly use their Limit Break.

In Crisis Core Reunion, once all three images have been matched, you can choose when to use the Limit Break.

DMW System Explained

Changes to Combat

Crisis Core Reunion - Materia Slots

Zack's Normal Attacks are faster and feel more fluid in Crisis Core Reunion. In addition, the use of materia can now be assigned to a push of two buttons, making controlling easier than the PSP version

All Controls and Button Mapping

Ability Bonus

You can now use Materia to combo off after using a Normal Attack. Doing so will increase your damage the more times you manage to hit enemies.

Battle System Guide

New Feature: Guard Stance

The Guard Stance will disable Zack from moving, but he can automatically guard attacks and can attack with high stagger. Guard Stance can also strengthen materia damage.

Restore Bonus HP, MP, and AP after Combat

Crisis Core Reunion - After Combat Bonuses

As you progress through the Main Story, you will gain bonuses that allow you to restore HP, MP, or AP after every fight.

Ability Gauge

Crisis Core Reunion - Ability Gauge

Some enemies have an Ability Gauge that allows them to do special attacks during combat. Attack the enemy as much as possible to avoid having to lower this and deal with its special attacks, by decreasing their power, or nullifying them all together.

Buster Sword Proficiency

Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Battle Stance

Once you receive the Buster Sword later in the game, you will gain access to the Battle Stance mentioned above, as well as Buster Sword Proficiency. Increasing Buster Sword Proficiency allows you to gain new abilities and have a stronger advantage in battle!

How to Raise Buster Sword Proficiency

Recover HP with One Button

Outside of combat, you can restore your heath completely with the press of a single button. Note that this will use your potions instead of healing spells like Cure.

More Mission Rewards

In the original Crisis Core, you would only receive the Heike Soul as a reward for completing all missions. In Reunion, you will gain access to rewards each time you clear another 10% of missions, so clear many missions and reap the benefits!

All Missions Guide

Improvements to Game Over

Ending up at a Game Over screen allows you to restart the battle immediately as is, adjust your equipment and use shops before trying again, as well as go back to the last save.

This will prevent you from entering a mission where the enemies' levels are too high, and being stuck without the option to re-adjust or go back, which was an issue in the original.

Visual Changes

High Definition Graphics

Crisis Core Reunion - Zack vs Sephiroth

Crisis Core Reunion's graphics have drastically improved when compared to the original, with new definition graphics, as well as realistic looking character models and environment.

Audio Changes

Full Voice Acting

Crisis Core Reunion features full voice acting for both story dialogue, as well as other sections of gameplay like when Zack is exploring or talking to other NPCs. Crisis Core Reunion also features all new voice actors.

Full Voice Cast and Actors: New & Returning Talent

Soundtrack Arrangement

Sounds and Background music have been remastered and worked on by Takeharu Ishimoto, the same person in charge of the soundtrack in the original Crisis Core.

Does Crisis Core Reunion Change the Story?

No Story Changes

Crisis Core: Reunion is faithful recreation of the original game when it comes to the story. It has been stated that there are no story changes or secret endings.

Secret Ending: Does Zack Die?

Crisis Core Reunion Related Guides

FFVII Crisis Core Reunion - Tips & Tricks Partial Banner

Beginner's Guide: Tips & Tricks

Mechanics and Combat Tips and Tricks

Mechanics and Combat Guides
DMW System Explained Battle System Guide
All Controls and Button Mapping All Status Effects and How to Remove Them
All Base Stats Explained SP Conversion Guide
How to Level Up Zack Level Farming Guide
Save Points: How to Save Buster Sword Proficiency Farming
DMW 100% Progress Guide Break HP, AP, MP and Damage Limits
How to Heal: Potions & Magic

Materia Tips and Tricks

Materia Tips and Tricks
Best Early to Mid-Game Materia Best Materia and How to Get Them
How to Level Up Materia Materia Fusion Guide

Equipment and Accessories Tips and Tricks

Equipment and Accessories Tips and Tricks
Best Equipment and Best Accessories Genji Armor Set Guide
How to Get More Accessory Slots

General Information

General Tips and Tricks
Trophy Guide and Achievements PC Spec Requirements
How Long to Beat Crisis Core All Missable Events
Reporter Location: Should You Report or Let Him Go? Fan Club Guide: Which to Join
Ending Explained All Changes, Differences, and New Features
Version Differences: PS4/Switch/PC Difficulty Differences Guide
How to Unlock New Game Plus Beginner's Guide
How to Find and Unlock All Shops Gil Farming Guide
SP Farming Guide


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