Crisis Core: Reunion

SP Farming Guide: Best Ways to Farm SP

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This is an article about farming SP in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion. Read on to learn about the best ways to farm SP, how to multiply SP acquisition, and the monsters that drop the most SP!

Farming Guides
Gil Farming SP Farming Level Farming

Best SP Farming Missons

M9-5-3: Unusually Strong Monsters

Earns players up to 100,000 SP

Each battle, players can earn up to 100,000 SP. This area offers some of the most SP rewards in the Crisis Core: Reunion.

Mission also offers rare items

Items like Three Stars, Mythril Armlet on this map have a chance of dropping, which can be sold for Gil.

Scissor Devil, Stop Blade and Death Blade all drop on this map. These items can be converted into even more SP.

Defeat Three Stars

At the end of the game, players can level-up, earn money, and earn SP at the same time in the mission Unusually Strong Monsters. Here you'll find the Three Stars and other enemies who are powerful, and have increased stats.

By utilizing Darkness and SP Turbo, these enemies can easily be defeated and the runs can be completed quickly.

How to Unlock M9-5-3

All SP Farming Methods

SP Farming Guide

Kill an Enemy Without Taking Damage

If you can defeat an enemy without taking damage from it, the amount of SP rewarded for defeating that enemy is doubled, tripled, quadrupled, or multiplied by up to 9 times.

In battles against multiple enemies, focus first on the enemies with a smaller SP reward, and then leave the enemy with a large SP reward for last. That way you can focus better on avoiding damage, and maximize your SP gains.

Mover Hunting

Enemies called Movers reward a large amount of SP, so you can efficiently acquire SP by hunting Movers in Missions where Movers appear. Also, if you combine the above no damage bonus, SP acquisition will be even more efficient.

Additionally, Movers VIT and SPR are pretty high, so the recommended way of defeating them is via punch-type abilities such as Costly Punch which has the effect of ignoring both VIT and SPR.

Missions Where Movers Appear

Type and Acquired SP Mission
Mover RE
Mover EX
Three Stars

Convert Materia Into SP

Steal Flare from Mover EX

You can steal the Flare materia from the Mover EX. 10540 SP can be obtained through converting Flare to SP.

Be sure to equip a Mog's Amulet when trying to farm for SP via this method.

Accessory Effect
Mog Mog's Amulet Items dropped or stolen by enemies will always be rare. Increases Luck by 5.

How to Get the Mog's Amulet

Buy Materia to Convert into SP

Purchase MBarrier, Poison, and Star Pendant to synthesize them into a Status Ward materia. Afterwards, convert the Status Ward into SP to earn 12,040 SP.

This entire process costs 8,000 Gil and 907 SP. Netting us a total of 11133 SP for every 8000 Gil spent.

Gil Farming Guide: How to Get Money Fast

Recommended SP Farming Gear

Recommended Materia for SP Farming

1 2
Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Command MateriaDarkness Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Command MateriaAerial Drain
Support MateriaSP Turbo or SP Turbo Attack

Essentially, you'll want to spam Darkness to efficiently defeat enemies. When you are running low, recover with Aerial Drain. Make sure to be mindful of Scissor Devil's Ultima.

Recommended Accessories for SP Farming

Accessories that increase the Damage Cap
Brutal Brutal
Genji Glove Genji Glove
Accessories that increase stats
Ziedrich Ziedrich
Accessories that increase the HP Cap
Adaman Bangle Adaman Bangle
Genji Armor Genji Armor
Accessories that increase Item Drops
Jeweled Ring Jeweled Ring
Mog Mog's Amulet

By having the Jeweled Ring equipped, the returns for any dropped items are doubled. Whenever high-cost items like Mythril Armlet drop, you can look forward to a significant increase to your total Gil along with your SP.

Recommended Stats

HP 99999 Or as high as possible
MP 0
AP As high as possible
ATK 255 Or as high as possible
VIT 255 Or as high as possible
SPR 255 (If this stat is low, you will die from Ultima)

Basically, the closer your HP, ATK, and VIT are to the maximum, the better. SPR is needed for when Scissor Devil casts Ultima, so if you can defeat it before it casts Ultima, or avoid Ultima with Aerial Drain, you can leave this stat untouched.

What Does Each Stat Mean?

SP Explained: What is SP?

Spins the DMW

Every time the Digital Mind Wave (DMW) spins, it accumulates 10 SP. There is no way to stop the DMW reel from spinning. It will automatically consume SP when the DMW reel spins.

Points used in Materia Fusion

SP (or Soldier Points) is a currency used for boosting in Materia Fusion. Points will increase when the pattern is aligned in DMW or when the enemy is defeated.

Save SP for the Best Materia Fusion

Players should try to use SP only on the best Materia Fusion synthesis. Despite SP being easy to earn, spending SP on too many Materia Fusion can keep your SP lower.

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How to Get More Accessory Slots

General Information

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Trophy Guide and Achievements PC Spec Requirements
How Long to Beat Crisis Core All Missable Events
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Ending Explained All Changes, Differences, and New Features
Version Differences: PS4/Switch/PC Difficulty Differences Guide
How to Unlock New Game Plus Beginner's Guide
How to Find and Unlock All Shops Gil Farming Guide
SP Farming Guide


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