Crisis Core: Reunion

Chapter 8: See You Soon Quest Walkthrough

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See You Soon is the eigth chapter of Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion's main story. Read on for a detailed walkthrough that includes rewards, maps, tips for completion, and more!

Previous Quest Next Quest
Departure Escape the Nightmare

Quest Objectives

1 Speak to the boy in Nibelheim about the first two wonders of the area.
The Seven Wonders of Nibelheim Guide
2 Regroup with Sepihorth and head to the Nibel Reactor Site
3 Return to the boy and ask about the third, fourth, and fifth wonders of Nibelheim
The Seven Wonders of Nibelheim Guide
4 Rejoin Sephiroth underneath the Shinra manor and learn about Jenova
5 Rescue the boy from the flaming store to solve the sixth Nibelheim wonder
The Seven Wonders of Nibelheim Guide
6 Chase and confront Sephiroth
How to Beat Sephiroth

Maps and Rewards



Nibelheim Chests

1 Ether Ether 2 -

Shinra Manor

1st Floor
2nd Floor
Underground Caves
Base Facility

Shinra Manor Chests

Base Facility
1 Elixir Elixir 2 -
Underground Caves
1 Soma Soma 2 Talisman Talisman
3 X-Potion X-Potion 4 -

Mt. Nibel Reactor

Nibelheim (On-Fire)
Mt. Nibel Trail

Mt. Nibel Reactor Chests

Nibelheim (On-fire)
1 Fire Ring Fire Ring 2 -
Mt. Nibel Trail
1 HP Stone HP Stone 2 Elixir Elixir
3 Hi-Potion Hi-Potion 4 -
Mt. Nibel Reactor Entrance
1 White Cape White Cape 2 -

Tips and Strategies

The Seven Wonders of Nibelheim

Seven Wonders of Nibelheim Map.png

The Seven Wonders of Nibelheim mini-game begins as soon as you arrive at the town. Take note that all seven wonders must be solved in order — otherwise, you won't be able to get all of the rewards. Take note of the time frames and full guide below:

Seven Wonders Time Frame

Nibelheim Wonder When to Do
First to Fourth Wonders Arrival in Niflheim ~ Before Arriving in Shinra Manor
Fifth Wonder After the events inside the Mt. Nibel Reactor ~ First encounter with Sephiroth at Shinra Manor
Sixth Wonder First encounter with Sephiroth at Shinra Manor ~ First fight with Sephiroth
Seventh Wonder Available during the first stages of Chapter 9.

Seven Wonders of Nibelheim Minigame Walkthrough

Sephiroth Boss Guide

First Fight

Sephiroth (First Encounter) HP MP SP
(9999 )
Fire Res. Ice Res. Thunder Res.
- - -
Stealable Items

Red numbers only apply when playing Crisis Core on Hard.

Heal Up After Heartless Angel

Heartless Angel will always set your HP to 1 after casting. Make sure you heal up immediately after to avoid losing the fight. Sephiroth's first fight is rather straight forward, so all you need to worry about is not dying to are the follow-ups to this ability.

Use Elemental Weaknesses on the Materia

Sephiroth occassionally spawns colored Materia. Take them out as soon as possible with their corresponding weaknesses to avoid getting nuked with powerful spells.

Second Fight

Sephiroth (Second Encounter) HP MP SP
(9999 )
Fire Res. Ice Res. Thunder Res.
- - -
Stealable Items

Red numbers only apply when playing Crisis Core on Hard.

Defeat Sephiroth Before You're Pushed Off

The second fight occurs in a narrow beam, with both of you situated at opposite ends. Sephiroth will constantly advance, pushing you to the edge. Stay aggressive and block his attacks as much as possible. This is a simple DPS check, where failure to do so will cause Sephiroth to knock you off the platform completely. All of his attacks during this fight are identical to the first.

Chapter 8 Missions

Heads up!
There are no available missions in this chapter.

List of All Missions

Chapter 8 Enemies

Enemy HP Weakness
Bizzare Bug
1120 None
6608 Ice
Death Claw
9050 Fire
G Deleter
16610 None
G Legion
3040 None
Grey Bomb
15530 Ice
Needle Kiss
2650 Fire
Remedy Bomb
15530 Ice
10445 Thunder
Sephiroth (First Encounter)
52820 None
Touchy Bomb
15530 Ice

List of All Enemies & Monsters

Crisis Core: Reunion Related Guides

Crisis Core - Story Walkthrough
Complete Story Walkthrough: All Chapters

Ch. Story Quest Ch. Story Quest
0 Prologue 5 Where Are You?
1 Embrace Your Dreams 6 Protect Your Honor
2 Betrayal? 7 Departure
3 Monster 8 See You Soon
4 An Angel's Dream 9 Escape the Nightmare
10 Heroes


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