Resident Evil 3 Remake (RE3) Walkthrough Comments

Characters of Resident Evil 3Comment

Showing 1-20 of 20 entries


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    15 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

    but he is just another side character, so don't worry if he is not included in the character pages

    14 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

    yeah this is not the originals anymore and tyrell did a lot more rather than brad he also saved jill from being impaled by nemesis

    13 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

    Well, this is not the original anymore they should just review the game first. They put brad vickers in here

    12 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

    I think they forgot about him since he did not much do anything in the originals

    11 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

    Was looking for the black guy since he did a lot of time to the game.

    10 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

    WTH are you even sayiing man, this page is for resident evil characters not mortal kombat lol

    9 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

    Raiden (Mortal Kombat): I am the real raiden!

    8 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

    Add Tyrell to character page now!! He had done a lot of help to Jill and Carlos he has more camera time than brad

    7 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

    Just like the other guys are saying, if you doing a page for the character of resident evil 3 you should add all of them! Hell even brad is included in this page and yet tyrell cannot be seen

    6 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

    He's a genius with computers and did a lot to help jill and carlos! I want justice for tyrell! Create a character page for him!

    5 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

    Tyrell did a lot more compared to brad on this remake! he is actually a really decent character they should include him

    4 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

    why is Tyrell not included in the list? just saying. he's done a lot of things for Carlos and Jill tbh.

    3 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

    These guys are actually old they also have their jobs they just made the characters look like teenagers

    2 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

    They're actuall older than they look buddy. It is a new perspective for the series though. You'll be playing civilians instead of someone with military training (Claire is a civilian but still had training from Chris).

    1 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

    So you play as a teenager in Resistance mode? That's different. I think the last time resident evil let you play as a teenager was RE4 when you controlled Ashley. Never a teen with a gun tho. Its a fresh perspective for the series.

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