Everything We Learned from the Discord AMA Session

inZOI Everything We Learned from the Discord AMA Session
A showcase of everything we learned from the official Discord AMA Session last February 28, 2025 for inZOI. Read on to learn all the information and details discussed in the Discord AMA Session here!

Everything We Learned from the inZOI Discord AMA Session

Discord AMA Session Summary

Zoi Customization
Zoi's height cannot be adjusted
More options for Black hairstyles
Maximum of 8 Zois in a household
Improved body sliders
Full body tattoos will be added on August 2025
Life Sim Gameplay
No memories system in Early Access
Active job system for Zois
You can indirectly murder Zois
Schools and hospitals are not available in Early Access
No pets in Early Access
Zois cannot multitask but feature will be added in the future
More interactions for pregnant Zois
Player freedom to create stories
Car customization will be prioritized over driving physics
World Simulation and Build Mode
Cities cannot be built from scratch
No swimming pools in Early Access
Tech and Modding
Improved 3D Printer feature
AI is Trained using Krafton Assets
Smart Zoi technology is not available to animals
Facial Tracking support exclusive for iOS
inZOI uses Unreal Blueprint to write scripts
Platforms and Controller Compatiblity
Playable on Steam Deck
No Native Controller Support in Early Access

Zoi Customization

Zoi's Height Cannot Be Adjusted

It is confirmed in the Discord AMA session that a Zoi's height cannot be adjusted when customizing them. By default, male Zois are slightly taller than female Zois.

This was explained as the animations are preprogrammed with a specific height in mind for male and female Zois. Implementing a feature to add varying heights may cause animation errors.

More Options for Black Hairstyles

More Options for Black Hairstyles
The developers revealed that they have added curly hairs in Early Access to balance out the number of straight hair and wavy hairs previously seen in the Creator Studio demo.

These hairstyles were not available in the demo due to it using more resources to render in a Zoi compared to straight hair and wavy hair.

Maximum of 8 Zois in a Household

Maximum of 8 Zois in a Household
It is confirmed that you can only have a maximum of 8 Zois in a household or family. They also mentioned that if one of your Zois becomes pregnant while in an 8-Zoi family, the pregnancy will always fail.

Improved Body Sliders

Improved Body Sliders

Body sliders for Zois have been improved to increase the range on how you can make them big or small. However, extreme sizes may cause visual glitches such as pixels sticking out of objects or pixel spills.

Full Body Tattoos Will Be Added on August 2025

Full Body Tattoos Will Be Added on August 2025
Tattoos are limited to facial and neck tattoos in Early Access while full body tattoos will be implemented on August 2025.

The developers also mentioned a future feature of allowing players to use an AI to create personalized tattoos. Use cases include taking a photo of your own tattoo to upload it and put it on your Zoi's arm.

Life Sim Gameplay

No Memories System in Early Access

No Memories System in Early Access
Zois do not have a memories system in Early Access but this feature will be added in the future. Instead, they will have a recording system where they will remember significant events such as getting married and getting divorced.

Active Job System for Zois

Active Job System for Zois
Jobs in inZOI use an active job system where you follow the Zoi to their workplace and perform the required job tasks. A promotion system is also included where you can get promoted to a higher position and receive higher salary if your Zoi does well in the job.

Flexible jobs are not included in Early Access. However, a freelance option with a flexible time schedule is included. One freelance option mentioned is being an author.

Your Zoi can also develop business relationships with their coworkers, allowing you to select dialogue options related to business and workplace.

You Can Indirectly Murder Zois

You Can Indirectly Murder Zois
An option to murder Zois is included although you can only perform it indirectly. One example mentioned in the AMA is the ability to set fire to a house, causing indirect death to a Zoi inside it.

Schools and Hospitals are Not Available

Schools and Hospitals are Not Available
Schools and hospitals will not be available in Early Access due to the complexity of adding these features. These will likely be added in the future but no specified timeframe was mentioned.

No Pets in Early Access

No Pets in Early Access
Pets will also not be available in Early Access as the developers wanted to give the full experience of having pets in place.

Zois Cannot Multitask But Feature Will Be Added Later On

Zois Cannot Multitask
Multitasking is a feature originally in Sims 4 that allows a Sim to perform 2 or 3 actions at the same time. This lets a Sim sit down, eat their food, and talk to a nearby Sim without canceling the previous action.

This feature was mentioned as one of the questions in the Discord AMA session. The developers confirmed that this feature has not been added in Early Access but will be prioritizing it as a future feature.

More Interactions for Pregnant Zois

More Interactions for Pregnant Zois
It was confirmed in the Discord AMA that more interactions for pregnant Zois are included in the Early Access. These include telling friends that you got pregnant, throwing a party, and getting cravings. More interactions with babies are in the works as well.

Player Freedom to Create Their Own Stories

Player Freedom to Create Their Own Stories
The developers mentioned that there is a little of predefined storyline in inZOI and introduces the characters seen in the promotional material: the unnamed woman, Henri, and Psycat. Other characters seen in early gameplay videos include Nemace and Zeno.

These characters appear to set the tone of the game but they do not take precedence over the player's freedom to create their own stories.

Car Customization Will Be Prioritized Over Driving Physics

Driving Car

The developers stated that driving mechanics in inZOI is not as advanced in driving-centric games and that car customization will be prioritized over it.

However, there are may be improvements in the future where they will improve the driving physics in certain circumstances.

World Simulation and Build Mode

Cities Cannot Be Built from Scratch

Cities Cannot Be Built from Scratch
It was confirmed that there is no feature to create cities from scratch. The developers cited that this feature takes too much load and is very difficult to implement.

Instead, there is an option to edit different parts of the city to create it as your own. They also mentioned that the maps for the cities are gigantic, so creating a city from scratch is not optimized.

No Swimming Pools at Launch

No Swimming Pools at Launch
Swimming was in development but was not included in Early Access, citing quality concerns. This in turn makes swimming pools absent in Early Access.

Tech and Modding

Improved 3D Printer Feature

Improved 3D Printer Feature
The 3D Printer is a feature that allows players to convert 2D objects and images into 3D objects using AI.

Previous builds of the game only allowed these converted 3D objects as decorative elements but they can now be assigned a furniture category, turning them into interactable objects that Zois can use.

The developers also mentioned that these converted 3D objects can be attached to Zois. For example, you can add a 3D model of angel wings to attach them at the back of your character.

AI is Trained Using Krafton's Assets

AI is Trained Using Krafton
The AI used to create AI generated textures in inZOI only uses assets from Krafton games. One game mentioned in the Discord AMA is PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG), as they used the 3D models of the guns to attach it to the Zois during development.

Smart Zoi Technology is Not Available to Animals

Co-Playable Character (CPC) is the technology used to power the Smart Zois, allowing them to adjust their behaviors according to their traits and the situation they are in.

This technology is only available to Zois and cannot be used for the animals that you can place in cities. The developers are planning on adding this feature in the future but at a later priority.

Facial Tracking Support is Only Available on iOS

Facial Tracking Support is Only Available on iOS
inZOI has a facial tracking support that captures your facial movements and translates it directly to your Zoi.

However, this feature is only available on the iOS as the facial tracking technology that the developers use is patented and Android devices cannot replicate this same feature. They plan on providing a future solution of using a PC webcam for those who do not have an iOS device.

inZOI Uses Unreal Engine Blueprint to Write Scripts

inZOI Uses Unreal Engine Blueprint to Write Scripts

The developers confirmed that Unreal Engine's Blueprint is used to write scripts for the game. With this in mind, this will likely also be used to create script mods that players can add to mod their game.

In addition, the developers also plan on providing easy to use tools for modding in the future.

Does inZOI Have Mod Support?

Platforms and Controller Compatiblity

inZOI is Playable on Steam Deck

inZOI is Playable on Steam Deck
The Discord AMA confirms that inZOI is playable on the Steam Deck. One of the developers tested the game on the platform and mentioned using Steam Deck's custom keys to optimize the experience.

Can You Play inZOI on Steam Deck?

No Native Controller Support in Early Access

No Native Controller Support in Early Access
The developers confirmed that there is no native controller support in Early Access, though they noted that this will be worked on very soon after launch.

Is There Controller Support?

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