Can You Build a City from Scratch?

InZOI - Can You Build a City From Scratch?

You cannot build a new city from scratch in inZOI, but you can edit specific parts of your own city. Read on to find out what parts of the city you can edit, what you can do with it, and how to do it!

Can You Build a City from Scratch?

Cities Cannot Be Built From Scratch

Dowon City

Though Build Mode in InZOI is powerful, there is no feature allowing players to create a new city entirely. According to the developers, the ability to create new cities takes up too much system load, making it difficult to implement.

Individual city maps are said to be so large that the game isn't optimized to allow players to create their own cities.

Everything We Learned from the Discord AMA Session

Players Can Edit Parts of Cities

Building Customization

While it's not possible to build an entire new city, players ill be able to edit portions of existing cities, to customize as they see fit. The developers did not detail exactly how large the editable portions of each city will be.

It's possible that players may be able to edit selected Public Property areas and customize them to fit their desires.

Are There Community Lots?

Two Cities Are Currently Available

Bliss Bay City

There are two confirmed playable cities in InZoi, called Dowon and Bliss Bay. Each city contains a mix of residential, public and commercial lots with different things to do for player Zois.

The editable portions are thus likely to have a lot of variety in possibilities for editing once available.

List of All Cities

More Cities to be Added Later

Amusement Park

After InZOI leaves early access, more cities and areas will be added as DLC. It's likely that these new areas will contain their own editable portions and public properties to customize.

The third city to join InZOI's playable selection is confirmed to be Kucingku, the Cat Island. It is scheduled to launch in August 2025.

Development Roadmap for 2025

inZOI Related Guides

List of All Cities

All Cities

Playable Cities
DowonDowon Bliss BayBliss Bay
Upcoming Cities
Kucingku Winiber
Haegang Recalleta
Brusimo Goldenfield

All City Guides

All Guides
Can You Move to Other Cities? Can You Build a City from Scratch?
Are There Hospitals? How to Change City Stability Settings
How to Edit City How to Change Signs and Billboards in Cities


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