List of All Cities

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☆ All Cities: Dowon & Bliss Bay

inZOI List of Cities
A list of all playable Cities in inZOI. Read on to learn all the available Cities that your Zois can move in and how to customize them in this guide.

List of All Cities


Dowon is an urban city inspired by South Korea. Zois living in this city can take Dowon's underground train station to fast travel between each station. This city also has 4 seasons to mimic its real-world counterpart.

Dowon Map and Lots

Bliss Bay

Bliss Bay is based on America's Southern California coastline city. This city includes a theme park where Zois can ride the rollercoaster and other amusement part rides.

Bliss Bay Map and Lots

Kucingku, the Cat Island

Kucingku Cat Island

Kucingku is a Southeast Asian-inspired city and is the first free DLC for inZOI. The preview seen in the Online Showcase features palm trees and an open sea.

Kucingku Cat Island DLC Release Date

All Upcoming Cities

inZOI's Character Studio demo gives a sneak peek at 5 upcoming cities. These are also likely to be based on real-world cities much like Dowon, Bliss Bay, and Cahaya.

All Upcoming Cities
Winiber Haegang Recalleta
Brusimo Goldenfield -

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