Build Mode Guide

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inZOI Build Mode
This is a guide to inZOI's Build Mode feature. Read on to learn the basics of building a house in Build Mode, tips and tricks, and more information on Build Mode in this guide.

Build Mode Guide

Build Mode Controls

Input Action
Left Click Select
(Drag) Adjust
Right Click Rotate Right
Alt Button Freely Place / Fine-Tune
Shift Continuous Placement
Z Button Rotate Left
C Button Rotate Right
Esc Button Deselect / Cancel
Delete Button Delete Object
Page Up Go Up a Floor
Page Down Go Down a Floor

An object spins 45 degrees when rotated via the Right Click or the Z and C keys. If you want to fine-tune an object's rotation, then you'll need to hold Alt while rotating the item.

List of Controls

Build Mode Categories

Building Presets

Building Presets Categories
Property Presets Room Presets Furniture Presets

Building Presets is where you can find a bunch of pre-made properties, rooms, and furniture. If you're not sure what to build, or if you want to look at some inspirations for your builds, then you can take a look at the game's presets.

As a note, the Room Presets category also has sub-categories that let you sort by the different room types, such as bedroom, kitchen, etc.


Building Categories
Home Exterior

The Building tab is where you can find all the individual infrastructure pieces, like walls, doors, windows, etc. This is where you'll want to look if you want to fully customize the exterior of your property from scratch.

Similar to Building Presets, you'll also be able to select different sub-categories to sort through which part of the structure you're building.


Furniture Categories
Bedroom Living Room Kitchen
Bathroom Home Office Hobby
Outdoors Social Event Other

As implied in the name, the Furniture tab is where you'll be able to find all the different furniture pieces. It's also separated into different categories, like bedroom, kitchen, etc. so that you can easily sort through the different items.

Again, there are sub-categories for the different furniture types, like chairs, tables, etc., allowing you to find the specific piece you're looking for.


Building Categories
3D Printer Custom Furniture

Craft is where you can fully customize and create a single piece of furniture from scratch. There's also the option to use the 3D Printer which will create an item based on an image that you upload.

Edit Colors and Materials

Furniture Customization Options
Build Mode also allows players to customize their furniture. Players can change the color and material, as well as add an effect and apply custom textures using AI to furniture.

As a note, this is different from crafting your own furniture pieces. Craft lets you select the different components, while this only lets you change the color and materials.

All Build Mode Tips

All Build Mode Guides

All Build Mode Guides
Are There Apartments? Are There Swimming Pools?
What is the Max Number of Floors? Are There Curved Walls?
Are There Community Lots? Are There Basements?
How to Build a House from Scratch How to Create Custom Furniture
How to Add Custom Images in Picture Frames -

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