Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

Guardian Scout III Locations and Spoils

This is a guide to Guardian Scout III, an enemy in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW). Learn where they can be found in Hyrule, what items they drop, as well as tips and strategies on how to beat them.

Guardian Scout III Base Info

Guardian Scout III
HP 1500
Species Guardian
Although originally designed by an ancient civilization to combat Ganon. these scaled-down Guardians were placed inside shrines as part of the trials. This model is equipped with twin-blade functionality to further testing the combat prowess of one undertaking the trials. It takes a nimble fighter to overcome this one.

Where to Find Guardian Scout III

Guardian Scout III Locations

You can find Guardian Scout III's in the Modest Test of Strength shrines. Go to the shrines below to find one.

Ke'nai Shakah Shrine Muwo Jeem Shrine
Namika Ozz Shrine Shoqa Tatone Shrine

Guardian Scout III Spoils

Ancient Screw IconAncient Screw Ancient Spring IconAncient Spring

Guardian Scout III Tips and Strategies

Use the Pillars to Block Its Spinning Attack

Botw - Destroyed pillar
One of the guardian's first attacks that you should look out for is its spinning attack. First, it will jump back and from its position, then it will start spinning and charge at you. Hide behind the pillars to block the attack before getting in a few hits while the guardian is staggered.

Perfect Parry Its Spinning Attack

Botw - Perfect Parry Spinning Attack
Alternatively, you can parry its spinning attack. It takes some practice though, and blocking its attack can quickly lower the durability of your shield. It's best to use a Guardian-type Shield against, it as it has higher resistance to attacks from Guardians.

How to Parry (Perfect Guard)

Glide During the Spinning Laser Attack

Botw - Gliding
After the guardian's health drops to about 50%, it will start spinning around while firing a laser. This will create a strong upward wind that you can glide on before approaching the guardian and landing an attack on it.

Watch Out for Its Last Resort

Botw - Charged beam
Once you have whittled the guardian's health down to critical level, it will start charging for several consecutive beams. Dodge these beams while trying to get close to the guardian, then quickly attack it while it's recharging. Get back when it's close to firing more beams. Repeat this process until it is defeated.

Botw - Parry its Laser Attack (BotW) - Guardian Scout IV
You can also try perfect parrying one of the beams to end its suffering though you should also be careful as it can kill you instead if you fail to parry it.

Zelda: BotW Related Guides

BotW - Enemies

Enemies List

Guardian Stalker Guardian Skywatcher Guardian Turret Sentry
Decayed Guardian Guardian Scout I Guardian Scout II Guardian Scout III
Guardian Scout IV


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