Spider-Man 2 (PS5)

Not On My Watch Walkthrough

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Not On My Watch is one of the Main Missions in Spider-Man 2 (PS5) for Miles Morales. Read on for a detailed walkthrough, a list of rewards for completing the mission, and tips on how to complete Not On My Watch!

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Roll Like We Used To Amends

Not On My Watch Overview

Mission Information

Not On My Watch
Mission Type
Spiderman 2 PS5 - mission icon Main Mission
Involved Heroes Miles Morales
Rewards XP Reward: 2000
Gotta meet up with Pete at the Raft; sounds like a big prisoner transfer's going down.

Starting Location

Map View In-Game View

Not on My Watch starts with Miles taking a tutorial on using the web tunnels to gain speed. This short tutorial takes him through the streets of Harlem.

Not On My Watch Walkthrough

  1. Head to the Raft
  2. Protect the Raft boat
  3. Rescue survivors
  4. Open the locked cell door
  5. Escape the depths
  6. Defeat the enemies
  7. Protect the civilians
  8. Web the propeller

Head to the Raft

Head to the Raft

After the wind tunnel mini tutorial, swing your way to the Upper East Side and web-wing to the Raft. You learn that they're transporting Scorpion and Martin Li.

Protect the Raft boat

Protect the Raft Boat

Kraven's hunters have begun attacking the Raft to capture Scorpion and Martin Li. Fight off the intruders and the Talon Drone backup. Afterwards they'll fire harpoons to the ship's hull.

Rescue survivors

Rescue survivors

As Miles, you'll be aboard the Raft. The hull's been breached. Search the ship for any survivors. Keep going straight. web-zip from point to point until you reach the end.

Open the locked cell door

Open the locked door

Near the end of the search you'll hear a trapped guard from inside of the cells. Head to the Electrical Access panel to reroute power back to the door. Keep going straight until your reach the control power with the red emergency light.
Reroute Power

Venom Punch the panel to reroute power then head back to the trapped guard. It'll be revealed that it was Scorpion feigning to be a trapped guard. He will attack you and you'll be hit with some of his hallucinogenic toxin.

Escape the depths

Escape the depths

As you feel the effects of Scorpion's sting, you'll be fed with hallucinogenic images of your friends moving on without you, your mother finally being rid of you. Ignore the visions and focus on getting out of the water.

Martin Li Drowning

Afterwards you find yourself in front of Martin Li's cell. He'll drown if you don't save him, but you hesitate for a split second making it easier for the hunters to extract him.

Defeat the enemies

Defeat More Enemies

Defeat the remaining enemies to reach the surface. Once the last ground unit is down, web-zip to the upper levels and Miles will automatically web-zip to the outside and chase after Martin Li's cell. More hunters will appear so make use your new ability, Chain Lightning.

List of Abilities

Protect the civilians

Protect the Civilians

After Kraven sets fire to the East River, Miles must focus on protecting the civilians. Venom Punch the stalled boat to get it to safety.

Web the propeller

Web the Propeller

Web up the propeller to prevent it from destroying more of the dock. You'll be interrupted by more hunters, fight them and afterwards a cutscene will play out and Martin Li will have escaped his cell. Miles goes into a trance and tries to confront Li.

Kraven successfully takes Martin Li, Miles snaps out of his senses and Venom Punches the propeller saving the rest of the civilians.

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Stay Positive Wings of My Own
New Threads It Chose You
Wake Up I'm the Hero Here
No Escape Anything Can Be Broken
Don't Be Scared Trouble With Harry
This Isn't You Set Things Right
It's All Connected Finally Free


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