Spider-Man 2 (PS5)

Surface Tension Walkthrough

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Surface Tension is one of the Main Missions in Spider-Man 2 (PS5) for both Peter and Miles. Read on for a detailed walkthrough, a list of rewards for completing the mission, and tips on how to complete Surface Tension!

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- One Thing at a Time

Surface Tension Overview

Mission Information

Surface Tension
Mission Type
Spiderman 2 PS5 - mission icon Main Mission
Involved Heroes Peter Parker and Miles Morales
Rewards XP Reward: 1900
My first day as a teacher at Brooklyn Visions and I gotta bail so I can help stop Sandman from rampaging through the city.

Starting Location

Map View In-Game View

Surface Tension is the first mission of the game, and will start immediately in Williamsburg after the intro cutscenes.

Surface Tension Walkthrough

  1. Cross the River
  2. Find Sandman
  3. Web-Strike Sandman
  4. Run for Your Life
  5. Defeat the Sand Minions
  6. Damage Sandman
  7. Run to the Roof
  8. Defeat the Sand Minions
  9. Ascend and Reach the Water Tank
  10. Chase Marko
  11. Fight Through the Sand Minions and Defeat Sandman

Cross the River

Spiderman 2 PS5 - reaching Sandman

The first mission starts at the north side of Williamsburg, so you'll have to make your way southwest to reach the actual starting point in the Financial District.

Use this distance to get used to the basics of traversal like web swinging and web zipping. Once you've reached the bridge, cross to the other side and head into the sandstorm.

Find Sandman

Spiderman 2 PS5 - find Sandman

Follow the marker deeper into the sandstorm until you find Sandman in his giant sand form. Be ready to dodge the objects Sandman hurls at you as you get closer!

Keep dodging Sandman's attacks and throw objects back at him whenever you can to chip away his health.

Web-Strike Sandman

Spiderman 2 PS5 - web-strike Sandman

Eventually, there will be a prompt to perform a web-strike Sandman in the face. Swing by near his face until a triangle icon appears then press the button to do a web-strike and proceed to the next objective.

Run for Your Life

Spiderman 2 PS5 - saving a civilian

The game will now teach you how to sprint and do parkour by holding R2 while moving! Go around the floor, save the hanging civilian along the way, and pass them to Miles.

Defeat the Sand Minions

Spiderman 2 PS5 - Spider Barrage

Sandman will spawn dozens of human-sized Sandmen (or would you rather fight one giant Sandman-sized Marko?) that you can practice basic combat moves on, including attacking, dodging, grabbing objects, and web-strikes.

Spider Barrage, Peter's first active ability, will also be unlocked halfway through the fight to help you deal with the minions faster.

After defeating them, Sandman will grab you with his giant arm and talk to you face-to-face. Show him it's a bad idea by breaking open the pipes above him when the prompt appears.

Damage Sandman

Spiderman 2 PS5 - Venom Blast on Sandman

You will now be playing as Miles for the second half of the fight. Same as before, focus on dodging attacks and hurling objects back at Sandman to deal damage until web-strike prompts appear.

Another cutscene will start once his health drops below 10% and Miles performs a strong Venom Blast.

Run to the Roof

Spiderman 2 PS5 - run to the roof

Gotta get to that water tank fast! Run up the building and dodge Sandman's slam attacks as you go.

Defeat the Sand Minions

Spiderman 2 PS5 - Miles against Sand Minions

The second round against the mini Sandmen will be left in Miles' sparky hands. In this fight, you will unlock Venom Punch and learn more combat moves like performing Finishers and healing through Focus.

Ascend and Reach the Water Tank

Spiderman 2 PS5 - roof with water tank

Continue fighting your way up the building until you reach the roof, which Sandman will lift along with the water tank. Zip towards the water tank and watch the following cutscene.

Chase Marko

Spiderman 2 PS5 - chase Marko

Sandman's reconstructed his giant form and is trying to create another sandstorm using the sand from the beach!

Use your newly installed Web Wings to fly towards him. Be sure to dodge the debris as well as the tornadoes he creates while you're gliding.

Fight Through the Sand Minions and Defeat Sandman

Spiderman 2 PS5 - defeating Sandman

Tag team with Miles and defeat the final wave of Sand Minions before going after Sandman. Make use of all the combat techniques you've learned so far, especially with the Spider Barrage and Finishers!

More debris will fly around where you fight, and you can grab those to sweep your immediate surroundings and slam onto one of the minions.

After taking care of the last minion, make for Sandman and web-strike him in the face for the finishing cinematic and complete the mission!

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Spiderman 2 PS5 - Story Walkthrough banner

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